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If you had a child recently enlist with marines, I have a question

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What was the procedure for new recruits? Time frame for tests, physicals, etc. Do recruits have to travel to specific areas that have Marine physicals or is everything local? Is it normal protocal for someone from a local recruit office to accompany new recruits to testing, physical office etc? How long between signing papers and going to boot camp. It's impossible to get direct answers from my ds. We are happy that he is taking initiative in getting thigns done on his own but we need clear answers. tia

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I used to be in the Marine Corps. Granted, it's been a few years but when I joined we did have to travel to the nearest large city to do the physicals & someone from my local recruit office did accompany us. I took my test at my local office though. I did the delayed entry program (DEP) so I had my phyical, signed the paperwork, etc. in Feb. but didn't leave until the end of May. I think it can be done much faster though, within a week or two maybe, if you wanted to leave immediately.


Make sure, MAKE SURE, that he gets a GUARANTEED MOS (job assignment) BEFORE HE SIGNS HIS PAPERS! Do not, not, not, NOT sign without it. He should ask what the school requirements are for that job- one job might require 9 months at 29 Palms (ugh!) vs. another that might require 1 month at Camp Johnson (yay!). 9 months is a very, very long time to be at 29 Palms.

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In general, all the services are about the same - so my DH's experience in the Air Force should be similar enough.


Time frame for tests, physicals, etc. This can vary - it was about two months for my DH.


Do recruits have to travel to specific areas that have Marine physicals or is everything local? Yes - MEPS. There is usually one in any big city. My DH had to travel to San Francisco for a night (they paid his bus fare). That was about 100 miles from where we lived.


Is it normal protocal for someone from a local recruit office to accompany new recruits to testing, physical office etc? Nope


How long between signing papers and going to boot camp? This can be worked out on an idividual basis, but it does depend on when they have openings. For DH is was 8 months - but he had to wait to graduate high school, and then wait for the next opening after that. From what I've heard, 6 months is pretty normal.

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Make sure, MAKE SURE, that he gets a GUARANTEED MOS (job assignment) BEFORE HE SIGNS HIS PAPERS! Do not, not, not, NOT sign without it. He should ask what the school requirements are for that job- one job might require 9 months at 29 Palms (ugh!) vs. another that might require 1 month at Camp Johnson (yay!). 9 months is a very, very long time to be at 29 Palms.


:iagree: Get it IN WRITING, ON his papers!! DON'T take a handshake and a promise. It's no good once he gets in.

:lol: at 29 Palms. I've never been, but have known Marines who have, and they would agree. ;) I would say, though, that some of the longer schools are good ones. I was Navy, my A school was about 7 months, and it was a LONG time, but it was for a GOOD job.

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What was the procedure for new recruits? Time frame for tests, physicals, etc. Do recruits have to travel to specific areas that have Marine physicals or is everything local?



MEPS is for all military. THis is where he will take his ASVAB, do physicals, and do the official swearing in before leaving for boot. They put my son up for the night in a hotel the night before a visit at MEPS. He stated the hotel was full of want-to-be military of all branches.


My son talked to a recruiter in May, took his ASVAB in early August and didn't sign DEP papers until Oct.

Is it normal protocal for someone from a local recruit office to accompany new recruits to testing, physical office etc?


Honestly I don't know. HA! I know the recruiter would pick him up at times to take him to the office but maybe he took a bus to get to MEPS.


How long between signing papers and going to boot camp.



Depends. My son signed papers in Oct and left for boot in late Feb. When they leave for boot camp will depend on when their A-school should start. Some people in his division had been on DEP for a year. They want them finishing up bootcamp a few weeks before the A-School starts.


It's impossible to get direct answers from my ds. We are happy that he is taking initiative in getting thigns done on his own but we need clear answers. tia


Totally agree in getting his guaranteed job in writing before signing. My son is Navy and they pushed hard to sign undesignated. He held out for about 2 months until the job he wanted came up.


I found out a lot of information at www.navyformoms.com . Have you done a search for marine corp moms?


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Is it normal protocal for someone from a local recruit office to accompany new recruits to testing, physical office etc?


It really depends on the recruiting station and how far it is located from the MEPS office and/or testing location. When my dh was on recruiting duty two years ago he was required to drive his recruits to testing and MEPS. Some families were quite insistent that the parents drive their son/daughter; my dh would get chewed out and told to just "make it happen" (meaning that *he* better be the one driving the recruit, regardless of what Mom and Dad wanted).

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