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How, I ask, HOW does one lose a math book???

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Ds10 has lost his math book again. Every morning, he takes his math book off the shelf, does a lesson, checks it with me, and returns it to the shelf. Supposedly.


I am convinced that the stupid book has legs.


It's not really the math book. It's trying to keep my ultra-distracted guy on task and focused. It's draining. "Focus, focus, focus." Most of the time it is what it is and we just keep sailing (erratically) along, but this morning I want to sit down and cry over the stupid missing math book.


(Which ds found, finally, in the office.)



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Check the bathroom. Seriously. DD9 goes in to use the bathroom and (for some reason) takes her book with her. I am forever finding the mathbook on the counter. Except for the day that the mathbook went to high school with big sister because it is almost the same color as her physics book. Sigh.....

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