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Do you reward your kids for reading?

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It depends on the child. My oldest LOVES to read. It doesn't make sense to reward him. He just naturally reads on his own.


However, my 9 yr old struggles a bit more. He's not as excited about reading yet. So to get him excited and hopefully get him to appreciate reading more by doing it more, we try to reward him. There are the Pizza Hut vouchers that we can get (from Pizza Hut's website) to read his goal each month and he gets a free personal size pizza.

Also, I've heard of people doing a little reward box of fun items like stickers, erasers, pencils, pens, etc...and when the child reads their weekly goal, they get a prize.

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i did not read responses.


I reward one daughter, but not the other. my eldest will read 24/7 if i let her.


my 2nd would listen to books on tape 24/7 if i let her.


to get her to read an actual book from start to finish, i pay her a penny a page. the book has to be level appropriate and she has to finish it.


i have found that she enjoys books more than she used to, but i cannot say that she 'loves' reading. she does love listening to books however, so it's not all bad.

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I have already commented , and do reward my children for specific books. I didn't explain that some of my children have Dyslexia and really struggle with reading. It can take ds13 up to a month to read a book.


we don't do birthdays or Christmas, so I don't feel it inappropriate to reward them for reading. They also get rewarded for finishing a workbook. A chocolate bar and a week off that subject, except math, when the workbook is finished ( Saxon) they get to pick a computer or wii game.

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