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s/o Violin for 3-y-o: Theory for little ones?

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I have a strong musical background, and my DC are both very interested in music. I want to get them (at least my DS at this point) started in basic music theory (reading music, recognizing rhythms, and basic pitch/ear training). My memory of beginning music theory, however, is from high school, with most of my ear training taking place in formal college classes.


What theory programs/curriculum programs have you ladies had success with in regards to teaching little ones?

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While you can do some basic rhythmic reading and the like pretty early, in general, until a child is reading text well, they're really not ready to synthesize all parts of music reading yet. So at 4, my suggestion is to focus on music listening and music awareness, pitch matching, singing and the like. That doesn't mean you don't show him music notation, and that you don't follow along the contour with your finger as you hear music, so he can see that the music moves up and down the staff along with pitch, or that you don't introduce musical symbols as he learns other symbols.


But be aware that, in most cases, it really "clicks" about age 7-9, no matter how much or how little explicit instruction has been done, and before that point, even if children are being taught to play "by note", they're usually playing/singing almost entirely by ear. The only exceptions I've seen to this have been children who have been early readers of text.


I do agree that Music Mind Games (which was designed to support Suzuki students) and classes like Musikgarten's Music Makers and Kindermusik for the Young Child are good ways to introduce basic music theory at a level young children can handle it and to provide that introduction in a fun way.

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