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May I have permission to ditch grammar until next year?


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I am about to throw GWG out the window. It is driving me crazy!


My son is finishing 5th grade. He is about to turn 11. We did all of FLL and he did GREAT. This is a kid who said "oh good, diagrams. I love those things." He can still say all the chants and definitions. He is GOOD at grammar. He even does GWG without complaint even though it is way too easy for him.


For a number of reasons, it is driving me NUTS. It feels like busy work. It feels too easy. It feels like rote review. And we have a lot to do in our school day. I don't have time to waste on busywork. He does spelling every day. We are getting to the end of WWE4 and he is doing very well.


Can't I just stop grammar and pick it up next year when ALL comes out? That is not the end of the world, right? I have never done this before, just tossed a whole subject.

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You have my permission to throw it out.:smilielol5:


My fifth grade just completed the entire book last week. He loved it. Couldn't he have just finished it? But, if you are doing spelling, I personally see spelling as grammar. So, if you are learning spelling rules, you are doing grammar.


Drop away!!:smilielol5:


I don't think you need anyone's permission by the way, but hey...


Blessings in your homeschooling journey!





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The 5th grade book is too easy for an 11 year old. I ditched it for my 11 year too. In the meantime, we are continuing with the MCT Practice Town sentences (4 level analysis and adding our own diagrams at the bottom of the page) until I decide what comes next. Mine still needs to memorize quite a bit of grammatical material, so we'll be doing that as memory work while I think.

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oh, I feel so much better!


ALL is "Advanced Language Lessons" and is the middle ages grammar book from SWB, as a follow up to FLL. It will come out next year.


I strongly considered MCT, but I knew that SWB was working on a grammar program. I didn't want to start a whole new grammar paradigm only to stop it a year later. I also didn't want to spend that much for something I knew would a stop-gap.


I feel very naughty :lol:

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