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Help for Vitiligo? (Skin Lightening)

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Does anyone have any resources for a friend whose 8 year old son has Vitiligo? He has white patches randomly around his body, and despite the creams the doctor has prescribed, it is getting worse. I was hoping there was something natural that could be done, as far as addressing the core imbalance/deficiency, as I understand it's an autoimmune condition.


Any help appreciated!



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It is autoimmune. I am not read up on it but ds's girlfriend has it and she is on a gluten free diet, among other things.

The more I read up on this thyroid and auto-immune stuff- the more I see that gluten is really related to lots of auto immune stuff. It might be a good place to start some research.

Doctors tend to treat symptoms. Auto immune stuff starts in the immune system- no cream is going to cure it. The immune system is gone askew- that is where the healing needs to occur- but doctors wont be able to help much unless they are very interested in nutritional medicine and do their research.

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You can do a search on this board...there have been a few vitiligo discussions over the past 6 months or so. My dd11 has vitiligo and while I agree that the parent should try to address underlying causes, I would also strongly urge the parent NOT to wait until the underlying cause is found to start treating vitiligo. The longer the areas go untreated the more resistant they are to repigmentation. We've had great success with a couple of creams and I'm so happy we started some kind of treatment as soon as we knew what we were dealing with.



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