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has anyone moved from Lively Latin to Galore Park?


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We will be finishing up The Big Book. My son has enjoyed it a great deal. I feel like Latin is a big hit in this house.


I am considering moving to Galore Park because they have a whole program for older kids. I can use their books for a few years to come.


Have any of you done this? Do you regret not carrying on with Lively Latin? How was the transition? I haven't seen much feedback about Lively Latin 2 and I am not clear where we go after that.


Feel free to tell me not to quit Lively Latin if it is working well for us.

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I'm just a little ahead of you (DD revising for final LL1 test). I own Latin Prep 1. Currently I'm leaning toward LL2, partly for the hand holding for me, and partly because LL1 was responsible for Latin becoming DD's favourite subject. I just w ish the website had more detail of exactly what LL2 covers, and a sample. I've read here that LL2 steps it up a notch.

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I just w ish the website had more detail of exactly what LL2 covers, and a sample. I've read here that LL2 steps it up a notch.


:iagree: I would love to see a whole chapter or at least a little more samples further into the book. We've been done with LL1 for about 2 months now and are reviewing the last half of the book doing only the lessons & exercises. I am so TORN about whether to go onto LL2 or ??? If only it wasn't so much money to shell out without being able to see more extensive samples or without being able to sell it if I decided against it. :glare:

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We are currently doing lesson 10 of BB2. We have loved Lively Latin. I am starting it again with my second ds. BB2 is a step up in that it moves a little faster and the material is more difficult. The last three declensions are tougher and I don't think there is any way around that. It is very much a continuation of BB1 - so no surprises. I do not regret sticking with it. I do regret the months we took off when ds#3 was born ;) but we have perservered and are doing pretty well. I even emailed the author today with a question and she already answered me. I just hope I can find something we will like as much for the next step. I am thinking to go to Latin Prep next, so will watch this for more replies.

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Well, maybe I should just stick with BB2. If you are finishing it and considering moving to Latin Prep, maybe I just need to remind myself that Latin Prep will still be there when we are done.


I am going to Galore Park for Spanish and I thought while I was there....


But, if BB2 is pretty much 'more of the same' then I guess I should stick with what we know. DS1 is going to be a 6th grader next year. Doing BBL2 and then moving to GP for latin shouldn't be seen as a problem.


Right? Right? :lol:

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Wouldn't LP be redundant after BB2? At least the first book or two?


Probably, iirc, there are 4 books in the LP series. And there is another series SYRWTL Latin that starts a level higher than LP and also has 4 books. I have seen posts of dc moving from LP 2 to SYRWTL Latin 2 or LP 3 to SYRWTL Latin 3 etc. So there are other options that can be looked at after LL BB2.

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Wouldn't LP be redundant after BB2? At least the first book or two?


and introduce different vocabulary, I would recommend starting from the beginning when you switch to LP1. You would probably want to skip the optional extra workbooks and just be prepared to take the first LP text book fast, if necessary. I haven't used LL, but LP gets you into some quite tricky translation (English to Latin as well as Latin to English) so having extra depth of background will be a great preparation.



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My 13yo completed LL1 and about half of LL2. When he started to struggle (I'm really not sure why, but he did), I switched him to LP1. We had it on hand, so it wasn't a big deal to me for him to switch. We started at the beginning of LP1 and the first several chapters were very easy, but I'm glad that we didn't skip them. That being said, I think that if you completed LL1 & 2, you could probably move right into LP2 without a problem. LL has a lot more vocabulary, and I think that most, if not all, of the LP1 vocabulary is included.


I can't really advise on which option is best, as I think they're both great. I don't think you can go wrong with either option really.

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My ds is in 5th grade. We started BB1 during the spring of his 2nd grade year. As I mentioned we took off several months from Latin last year and have subsequently spent several months in review this year. That has slowed us down. That happened shortly after the introduction of the third everything (declension, conjugation, person pronouns) so those are feeling a little squishy in my mind. We try to work at a pace of 1 page per day, 5 days a week, plus vocabulary flashcards review everyday. I am not exactly sure where I will place him when we are finished. If I were to choose today, I would start at the beginning of Latin prep and plan to move quickly. The order of presentation is different, and the extra review can only help. Laura's suggestion sound good to me: starting LP1 with just the text and moving swiftly along until we find the right spot.


I was under the impression that SYRWTLL was geared to older students so I haven't looked at it yet, but will before I make a final decision. I also have Lingua Latina on hand and would like to add it as a supplement for extra reading, but haven't yet.

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My ds is in 5th grade. We started BB1 during the spring of his 2nd grade year. As I mentioned we took off several months from Latin last year and have subsequently spent several months in review this year. That has slowed us down. That happened shortly after the introduction of the third everything (declension, conjugation, person pronouns) so those are feeling a little squishy in my mind. We try to work at a pace of 1 page per day, 5 days a week, plus vocabulary flashcards review everyday. I am not exactly sure where I will place him when we are finished. If I were to choose today, I would start at the beginning of Latin prep and plan to move quickly. The order of presentation is different, and the extra review can only help. Laura's suggestion sound good to me: starting LP1 with just the text and moving swiftly along until we find the right spot.


I was under the impression that SYRWTLL was geared to older students so I haven't looked at it yet, but will before I make a final decision. I also have Lingua Latina on hand and would like to add it as a supplement for extra reading, but haven't yet.


Thank you! We started LL1 last January, so also middle of second grade. We went at the rate of about 2 pages a day, 4-5Xs a week with daily chanting and flashcards. I'm wondering if I just slowed BB2 down to one page a day??? Ugh, IDK. I'm hoping to use Ecce Romani for reading practice as well, since my dd really is a whole-to-parts learner.

I am going through Henle and Lingua Latina right now myself (slow process...) and would also love to use Lingua with dd in a couple of years.

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Some of the grammar will be review, but there will be a lot more reading and translation.


This is why I decided to switch. My son has the vocabulary memorized and knows the chants, but when it comes to applying anything, he is quite lost. My biggest complaint about LL is the relative lack of translation exercises.

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This is why I decided to switch. My son has the vocabulary memorized and knows the chants, but when it comes to applying anything, he is quite lost. My biggest complaint about LL is the relative lack of translation exercises.


I think it's appropriate given that it's targeted at younger children. But yes, at some point they need to move on to a program that gives them more experience reading and translating.

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We did all of Lively Latin 1 and loved it and half of Lively Latin 2 and just really bogged down. There were full page stories in Latin to translate in the second book, btw. My son *loved* those and did awesome with the translating. We were finding a lot of the chants from early in LL2 weren't being applied right away so he was losing them... he's all about using the words and chants. (Just memorizing something that he won't use has never worked for him.)


We thought about switching to Latin Prep but actually went with Latin for Children A. It seemed like it would be a "step back" but the review has been awesome and there have been new vocabulary words (not many but some so far). We're 8 chapters in already and he's very pleased with it. I thought he'd find it boring but he hasn't. It's gone quickly enough that he's making all sorts of connections with what he's previously learned.


I'm amazingly glad we made the switch. I was worried it would be a total waste of money. It's worked wonderfully for us though. Latin is by far his favorite subject and I hated to lose that good attitude!


My son is only 10 so that may make a difference in what you decide to do... we have some time to kill in here.

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