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Anyone been to Maui?

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After Kauai, Maui was too commercial/noisy for us.


We took a family vacation in Hawaii 2 years ago--kids were 15, 13 and 4. Everyone wants to go back to Kauai! We spent 6 days on Kauai and 4 in Maui.


Our favorite activities were on Kauai. It was also much more 'relaxing' there. I have pictures of my dd (13 at the time) jumping off the waterfall that is in the opening scenes of Raiders of the Lost Ark! We took a tour of the ranch were much of Jurassic Park was filmed--on the tour we also kayaked up a river, hiked through a tropical rain forest, swung from vines into a pool of water, jumped off waterfalls (or just watched:tongue_smilie:), had a picnic in a 'tree-house' and then flew across a creek on a huge zip-line. Great memories...


We did have fun in Maui too-- our favorite outing was a boat trip that offered SNUBA (snorkeling with an air hose). We also enjoyed a bike ride down Haliakala (I know I butchered that spelling!)--but I do not think they offer that outing any more...


DH and I went to Kauai 9 years ago--and had a great time then too.


Oldest dd and I hope to return to Kauai next summer--as a 'graduation' trip.


This year DH insisted we use our frequent flyer miles for a family 'Roller Coaster' vacation--so we are going to Ohio in a few weeks...at least we are staying a few nights at the MAUI SANDS hotel near Cedar Point amusement park!!

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Can't decide between the two. I look forward to reading some responses!


This is my problem! There are too many choices.


After Kauai, Maui was too commercial/noisy for us.


Our favorite activities were on Kauai. It was also much more 'relaxing' there. .


MAUI SANDS hotel near Cedar Point amusement park!!


Now I am going to have to check out Kauai! Can I ask where you stayed? Considering the ages of my dc (9,7,5, and 7months at the time of trip) would you still say Kauai?


Thanks for your help:D.

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we bought a book called Kauai Underground Guide (highly rated on Amazon, fwiw) and it offers a lot of good tips about taking families to Kauai. The authors are parents of 2 or 3 boys and I think they've taken their brood for years to Kauai.


Jann in TX (I'm in Texas too ~ Austin to be exact), thanks for the pointers on what you're family enjoyed. I know we're leaning towards Kauai because our vacation style is such that we enjoy unspoiled nature more than man made amusements.

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But we are not well traveled like others. I have always lived in Alabama. I have vacationed in Cancun, Florida, and Maui. So I don't have a lot to compare to. But I would love to live there. My dh and I still talk about it and its been 7 years.

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We were in Maui a couple years ago. I wouldn't bother going back. It was nice, but not a thrill. I liked Puerto Rico and the Bahamas much better. The water in the Bahamas is absolutely gorgeous. Turquoise blue. Dh loves snorkelling, and was seriously not impressed with Maui. It may be better on the other islands...not sure on that. So awesome for snorkelling and scuba diving in the Bahamas. Also, depending on where you are in the US, the flight is a lot shorter. It is also really fun to go to the "out islands" in the Bahamas. Few people...quiet (opposite of the crazy tourist thing in Maui). We like more "authentic" places to visit. More adventure...not so obvious.


However, my parents absolutely adore Maui...also my sil and bil. I guess it all depends on what kind of a vacation you enjoy. If you go to Maui, do the road to Hana and go see the waterfalls after you pass Hana, the zipline is a ton of fun...the helicopter rides are not so much. The submarine rides are great. The mountain that is really pointy...can't remember the name...is pretty to see. The little surfing villiage is fun to spend an afternoon in. Can't remember the name of that either. I think it is more to the north side of the island. Big waves on the north for surfing. Wrong time of the year for whales, but that is fun too, if you go at the right time.



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Since you have a large family you will need to stay in a 'resort' instead of a hotel. There are many options. I linked the one we liked best.


We booked online through Suite-Paradise and were VERY pleased. We stayed at the Poipu Kai and HIGHLY recommend it. We had the 2/2 Ocean view deluxe. Our unit was very spacious. It was upstairs and had a 'loft' with a huge master bed/bath and a very nice sitting area. The main level had a second bedroom (2 beds), a full kitchen, dining area and large living room with several balconies. The grounds were BEAUTIFUL and well kept as well. The main 'road' in Kauai is in a "U" shape and this resort is located in the bottom 'right' of the U. We splurged and paid around $230 a night for our unit--AND a minivan rental (combination package).


There is a beach close to the resort but since your children are small I would recommend going to a large beach at the north east side of the island. It has a reef that protects the beach from big waves and offers a nice shallow (Calm) area that is perfect for swimming/snorkeling. It is also near a nice public park (youngest dd was 4 when we were there last).


Be prepared to be 'split' up for activities--having a baby will really limit what you can do together--most activities require little ones to be at least 5 yrs old. Still there are LOTS of natural places to see as a family. Kauai has a canyon similar to the Grand Canyon that is absolutely breathtaking--and easy to get to--just drive west... There is a great scenic outlook at the top and lots of walking/hiking trails to explore.


We would often split up--DH taking the older girls one place while I splashed in the pool with younger dd or took her to the park or shopping...afternoons and evenings were FAMILY time. The next day I would take older girls and DH would take youngest dd. One morning DH took the older girls on a 'float trip' tubing through old irriguation channels on an old sugar cane plantaion--they LOVED it!


Kauai has lots of waterfalls and several are easily accessible. There is a WONDERFUL hiking trail at the NE side of the island (by the beach I mentioned)...


Another thing to consider is to possibly invite a family member or friend to come along to help watch the kids...


If you can wait until November then you can add whale watching to your schedule--whales are there November through April. DH and went one January and the whales were magnificient! Dolphins and turtles are there year round though... The weather is right around 80F year round too!


Enough rambles...I want to go back!

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