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Core Knowledge and WTM


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We are homeschooling our first year this year for K and it has been age appropriately casual with just working on phonics and beginning reading, mastering counting to 100, simple addition and subtraction with manipulatives and so on, holding a pencil correctly and forming letters and numbers correctly (PR1 and McRuffy Color Math K are the two formal programs we are using but PR1 has been a very slow pace and we'll finish it in first grade). I'm trying to get more of a plan and personal homeschooling philosophy in place for 1st grade +. I think it will probably be beneficial to my children if I not only plan for each grade but to also have a longterm overarching plan. I've read WTM and was really impressed and ready to go with the classical cycle. I've also been reading a lot about Core Knowledge and like so much about its elementary sequence.


Is is possible to marry the two? It doesn't really seem like it especially in regards to LA and history. If anyone has utilized both approaches how did you do it? I suppose this is what "eclectic homeschooling" is, taking ideas from several approaches and blending them into one that works specifically for your own family.


I am just worried that I am not knowledgeable enough about elementary education or longterm learning to not find a fairly well-laid map and guide like WTM or CK and use it. I have read some about gaps on this board and now I'm worried about that which makes me more hesitant to veer off of a well defined sequence and go off on my own mixing and matching.

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When I started this year, it was all WTM, but I now use both - I have each of the "What your __ Grader Needs to Know" books (K-6) and the Core Knowledge Sequence.




While WTM is awesome, and that's why I started with it, Core Knowledge Sequence details out things that might easily slip through the cracks, like key sayings and phrases (which we use for copywork) or things that fall within "social studies" that aren't focused on in WTM, like community. I also like many of the reading selections included in Core Knowledge, so add those to WTM's recommendations where they fit in.


So throughout the year I've taken time to go through both and align Core Knowledge stuff into WTM's timeline and approach. I think WTM is superior, so it's the benchmark for me - Core Knowledge is the supplemental enhancements I've added in as appropriate....using them together, feels to me, like I'm not missing something important along the way.

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So throughout the year I've taken time to go through both and align Core Knowledge stuff into WTM's timeline and approach. I think WTM is superior, so it's the benchmark for me - Core Knowledge is the supplemental enhancements I've added in as appropriate....using them together, feels to me, like I'm not missing something important along the way.


Did you actually sit down and make a physical chart or grid or something else? I am such a visual person I think I will need to sit down with paper and a pencil and try and map it out.


I am debating whether or not to get the First Grade Teacher Handbook, do you have that? I do think I will order the Books To Build On and the Art Resources, those both look great.

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Did you actually sit down and make a physical chart or grid or something else? I am such a visual person I think I will need to sit down with paper and a pencil and try and map it out.


I am debating whether or not to get the First Grade Teacher Handbook, do you have that? I do think I will order the Books To Build On and the Art Resources, those both look great.

That is what I did. I downloaded the sequence and then made a chart where ds would be going over a 4 year period in History, Science and Geography. That way I had a better idea what I would be doing over the years, so far so good and it gave me a confidence I needed to purchase (or not purchase) items.

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I am like Rah Rah. I have the What Your X Grader Needs to Know books (none of the teacher books or the sequence or anything.) But I supplement SOTW w/readings from the literature and history sections from the WYXGNTK sections. I have done poetry units from the online lesson plans that go w/the poetry selections. I like the sayings for copywork, or just for a "saying of the week."


I have used the entire music and art sections as our music and art guidelines for a couple of years. We read the section, get accompanying books and C.D.s and videos from the library, and have ourselves a music study. We do any of the activities listed. Same for the art (in the past.. this year we are doing DWC.) We use a full math curric, but I have taken ideas from the math sections once in awhile for a game or a different way of explaining something. The science sections have some extra reading and scientist biographies that we read through.



So I haven't done the in depth planning of the sequence, but I like the selections in the books.

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Any chance you would email your chart to those who ask? (Like me?)


and like me too?? if i ask really really really nice?



I plan to use both -- I downloaded a PDF of Core KNowledge k to 8 -- and I see it more as a 'check list' of information to cover, like a set of standards -- and wtm / classical / cm -- a approach or a way to teach / learn .... one is subject the other style -- IMO

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Did you actually sit down and make a physical chart or grid or something else? I am such a visual person I think I will need to sit down with paper and a pencil and try and map it out.


I am debating whether or not to get the First Grade Teacher Handbook, do you have that? I do think I will order the Books To Build On and the Art Resources, those both look great.


I don't have the teacher handbook(s) or Art Resources, but do have Books to Build On....I like the Books to Build On and refer to it now and then.


Originally I had purchased the What your K-1-2 Grader Needs to know books and realized how cumbersome it would be to go through each for the purpose of figuring out what goes where with various things/topics between CK and WTM. I read a post somewhere about there being a Core Knowledge Sequence book, that laid it all out in one place, so I found that (used) online and ordered it (and have since completed the series of books with 3-6).


The CK Sequence book is nicely laid out by grade, K-8....each subject basically outlined for you. To me it is the easiest reference to CK to use when trying to layout where pieces fit with WTM and what might be added to WTM in a given year.


I did sit down and lay it out on paper using both....I'd already outlined based on WTM, for grades 1-4, so I added in CK stuff not to miss along the way.


For example, WTM follows the 4-year rotation for history.....to me that makes sense and we're sticking with that. CK lists various pieces of the ancients in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd - with modern elements rounding out each year, and it does not include the full scope of the ancients, or any period for that matter, that WTM does, so IMO WTM is richer and deeper, so we do WTM's approach for history. CK adds in some sources that might be useful for each period, but overall, we're sticking to the 4-year rotation approach.


On the other hand, WTM tends to lag in the areas of "general knowledge" - signs and symbols (flag, liberty bell, etc.), sayings and phrases, and things often taught within "social studies" in schools, like community and government at various levels. It isn't that parents don't actually include these when following WTM - it's just that they can fall through the cracks, so I see CK as the list of things not to miss, that enhances WTM. In addition, CK provides more resources to consider including in each subject - poems, fables, etc. that aren't necessarily in WTM. So taken together, they both bring something to the table when I'm planning what we'll read and include throughout the year.


As Linda above noted, CK is more a list of what to study (which, IMO isn't fully complete in some subjects, but is an awesome resource to use to enhance) and WTM is how to do it, with a richer scope over time.


I use the What Your __ Grader Needs to Know books for the stuff they contain (like poems, game ideas, sayings, etc.) where appropriate for where we are in the year.

Edited by RahRah
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I read a post somewhere about there being a Core Knowledge Sequence book, that laid it all out in one place, so I found that (used) online and ordered it (and have since completed the series of books with 3-6).






Is this the sequence you have in book form? I have printed out the 1st Grade sequence and I can see the value in having all of it, but that would be a lot of ink and paper to print to get an overall view! I may look for it in book form used, thanks for the idea.

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Is this the sequence you have in book form? I have printed out the 1st Grade sequence and I can see the value in having all of it, but that would be a lot of ink and paper to print to get an overall view! I may look for it in book form used, thanks for the idea.


I have the book version - I wanted that since it would be insane to try to print the PDF! I got it used on Amazon.

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Core Knowledge Sequence book is also on line for free download


285 pages in PDF -- I have it saved and plan to print it year by year to goin our grade binders -- that way i don't print it all at once AND that way i can "pull it apart" -- also then i do not feel bad about writing on it, makring it up, i can alvays get a new copy off the printer.


I like being able to mark it up, then start fresh and also have copies in more than one binder adn so on



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Core Knowledge Sequence book is also on line for free download



I posted the link for this up-thread. I've already printed the sequence for first grade, which got me thinking enough about combining WTM and CK to prompt this thread. :)


I actually want the printed book because I like the idea of seeing the sequence for many years so I can have a long-term plan. I think the suggestion to do this by another poster previously in this thread will allow me to get a better idea of how to homeschool and where we are going over the next few years. I'm a planner, I need short-term and long term goals!

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I use CK. I have the whole 1st grade Starter Set (with 2nd and Preschool coming next week), the print Sequence, Books to Build On, and the K-8 Monthly Guide. I use CK primarily for history, art, music, and poetry. The literature selections are nice too, but my kids generally encounter them a couple of years before the CK recommended grades. The sayings are also useful for copywork and discussion. The science units are also very good, but we tend to be interest-led for science. The art and music units are awesome and very easy teach. Thank goodness, because I wouldn't know how to cover those subjects otherwise.


I personally prefer the CK history sequence over the 4-year history cycle. I like the way that CK covers American history twice (IIRC), world cultures and religions, and geography. World history gets a gentle introduction, although ds also tends to study world history just for fun too. The Teacher's Handbook is a wonderful resource, going into much more detail than the Sequence. Each unit as learning objectives, key vocabulary, background information for teachers, additional resources, and some activity suggestions. I like it because they are not lesson plans. I prefer to do that myself, but the guidelines give me the right amount of structure and focus.


OTOH, I am leaning more and more toward a WTM approach to language arts and how those skills might be integrated with the content area subjects. In that respect, I suppose I agree with the poster who said that CK tells us what to learn, while WTM shows us how to learn.

Edited by yllek
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I am pretty much a WTM-er to the core...okay, with an LCC bent....and we use Core Knowledge Science as our guide. I like the mix of topics in the Core Knowledge science and it allows us to use a lot of living books in addition to experiments. There are also many lesson plans out there online for Core Knowledge Science.

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another thought -- if you'd like to see the book, not PDF -- get it at the Library -- i read it Inter-Libary Loan (our Lib is SMALL and didn't have it) before i found the PDF for download -- i try to review all my books ILL before i buy them anyway. :)

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Me three! I'd love to see the chart.


I just bought the Core Knowledge books yesterday (without seeing this thread) and am looking at that PDF file now, wondering if I should order that too.


Oh, and don't make the mistake I did and order these graded books as Kindle ebooks. They are nothing like the full-color, well-laid-out books that you see in the store!

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Is this the sequence you have in book form? I have printed out the 1st Grade sequence and I can see the value in having all of it, but that would be a lot of ink and paper to print to get an overall view! I may look for it in book form used, thanks for the idea.


That's a great link!


You know, you could really make your own memory work similar to CC from this pdf, and tailor it to the grade level of your child/children.

Edited by Poke Salad Annie
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  • 3 weeks later...
That is what I did. I downloaded the sequence and then made a chart where ds would be going over a 4 year period in History, Science and Geography. That way I had a better idea what I would be doing over the years, so far so good and it gave me a confidence I needed to purchase (or not purchase) items.



HootyTooty...any chance in share that chart??? Pretty pretty please.:001_smile:

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