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I feel like giving up.

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Do any of you have a personality clash with one of your children? Are you able to get over it and school successfully? My dd7 and I work beautifully together, but dd5 and I but heads every. single. day. All of us end up in tears and it is not good! I have tried numerous different things to make it better. Different times, different curriculum, different places in the house... The only thing left to try different is the teacher! I don't want to send any of my children to public school, but the thought of someone else fighting with her is such a nice thought at the moment. I feel like such bad mom!


Okay, I guess my rant is over. Thanks for reading. I feel sorry for you! LOL

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First of all :grouphug:


Are you sure it's a personality clash and not something else? I had to give up many expectations I had in order to promote a good learning environment for my boys. For example, in my mind, they should sit nicely in their chairs when doing writing assignments or math. I was spending a lot of time trying to get them to do that, but then I listened to a talk on different learning styles, and decided to let them sit, kneel or stand however they wanted, and the assignments are done much more quickly, with much less hassle.

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I have been contemplating writing this post about by almost 12 year old ds!!! I can tell you that over the years changing my expectations (like pp said) has helped. This kid never does anything the way I would do it, but sometimes if I leave him alone he will do it his own way and it turns out okay.


The one thing keeping me from putting my boy on the big yellow bus is the fact that my evenings would then be consumed by butting heads with him over homework. And I don't even want to think about the bad attitudes and habits he would pick up in school. But your not the only one having those thoughts!

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How long has the personality clash been going on?


My son just turned 6 last week and in the past couple of weeks, he's been fighting everything. But when I've looked carefully at the situation, I think that ds6 is just feeling left out.


Now that my oldest son is 8, we as a family tend to do things that the 8 yo likes, but are boring to the 6 yo. Like, we'll pick a movie that we all like, except for the 6 yo (because, frankly, movies for 6 yo's are boring to the rest of us.)


And I think that my 6 yo is getting fed up with having to tag along with stuff geared to older kids or adults. (like my dh was showing them old Hardy Boys tv shows--my dh and ds8 were having a great time, but ds6 was bored.)


Also, hs-ing the 8 yo (3rd grade) takes more of my one-on-one time compared to my 6 yo (kindergarten.) So, ds6 feels left out during school, too. (I try to include him as much as I can, but sometimes he just has to sit there and wait for ds8 to be done something.)


Soooo...to solve my problem I've started doing more things w/ my 6 yo, even though they're boring to me. The more I do stuff with him, the better it's been getting. We watched Babe together on Sunday afternoon, cuddled on the couch. I was pretty bored, but he was thrilled and in a great mood for the rest of the day.


This might have NOTHING to do w/ your situation, but it sort of sounds the same. My 6 yo has been fighting me on EVERYthing, but it seems to be lessening the more time I spend with him, and the more we bond over fun activities together.

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Does this child that you butt heads with have a similar personality and temperament to you?


Yes, but mine is tempered by age and maturity. Honest.


We have our spring break week coming up next week, and I am hopeful that will help. We've been schooling pretty hard since we came back from Christmas break.

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Yes, but mine is tempered by age and maturity. Honest.


We have our spring break week coming up next week, and I am hopeful that will help. We've been schooling pretty hard since we came back from Christmas break.


I would urge you to start Spring Break early, and maybe even extend it if you can. Use the time to be only a Mom (not teacher) and reconnect with her. Have fun, laugh, and remember why you started on this journey. :grouphug:

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