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Marching band?

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does your local school allow your high schooler to participate in marching band? I read our laws and homeschoolers are allowed to participate in extracurriculars including varsity sports and band but it doesn't say "marching band" I am just wondering if anyone has an experience with this? how did/does it work out? We live very close to the high school and I have no issue at all taking my dd to the many many after school band practices. My parents did it for me :001_smile: She desperately wants to do marching band with her cousins who go to the school already. It was some of the best times I had in life so I want to encourage it.

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Well-- most band directors will not allow it because homeschool students are not allowed to compete in the marching contests (same rules as football and other sports). DD did 'assist' the band in getting on and off the field so she had a 'part'.


My homeschooled daughter is a member of the local high school band (honorary) and there is another homeschooled student currently there. They are allowed to play in the stands and go to away games and such--but not marching (all of the marching leads up to the contests...). They both are allowed to play at the holiday and spring concerts--but there are a few weeks around the 'concert band contest season' where they are not encouraged to attend (especially since they are two of the BETTER players-- the band needs to learn to play well without them!


Our local band directors sponsored my dd and she made All State Band!!!


In our case dd was THRILLED that she did not have to march!

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Yes, we (in FL) are allowed to participate in extracurricular activities, including marching band. My 13yo DS is considering this for next year. He will also take an art class at high school, and hopefully join the after-school art club.



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