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What do I need to know to plant +maintain an apple tree?

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We would like to plant an apple tree in our back yard. Any experienced small orchard gowers here?

I'm thinking we would want a semi-dwarf apple tree for zone 6 (Northern VA)?

What do I need to know for maintaining an apple tree or 2?

Are apples self-pollinating?

Is there really any way to avoid spraying and have a good harvest?


Wanting to take another step toward self-sufficiency... However, if this is not cost-effective, we will continue to buy from local growers.

I will also get books from the library ( any recommendations?)

I'm mostly asking if others have been successful with a backyard orchard.

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I have another friend that has several fruit trees (mainly peach) and he tried to do the organic thing but the fruit is really buggy. He thinks he'll have to spray in order to get anything edible.


This is what I have heard also... that it is rather difficult to get good fruit without spraying. I am not totally against spraying since we eat and can fruit from nearby orchards that spray their fruit. It may be a necessary evil.


Now, the squirrels I had not considered. We are currently dealing with a bunch of garter snakes. I don't want to start a catch and release program for ALL the critters.

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They do make sprays with more organic stuff in them. :)


1. Yes, you need more than one tree. Apple trees are not self-pollinating. Beyond that, some trees pollinate other trees better than others.


2. You really need a sunny space for fruit trees to thrive.


3. Plan on pruning every winter.


4. We have cared for our apple trees in both organic and non-organic ways. Currently, we are really fighting cedar rust blight. Our neighbors have some evergreens right by our fenceline that are causing our trees problems. ;( So far we haven't "contaminated" our trees with non-organic spray, but I'm getting close to maybe doing it this year. I know lots of people who have not sprayed....you may lose a few apples to worms, but it doesn't really affect yield.


5. Apple trees are AWESOME once they are producing. They really are worth the effort. Compared to tending a garden, they are SO easy!


_The Backyard Orchardist_ is a great book. :)

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Yes, dh and I were discussing that very possibility before I ordered. Dh remembered that a certain pear tree seemed to attract yellow jackets. So, I didn't order any pears! How's that for fine-tuned logic?

We will just need to see how it all works out, and hope for the best!

Edited by bnbacademy
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