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Bravewriter Boomerang/Arrow?

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I've looked at these on & off throughout the years & am considering buying a 10 pack from HSBC since they're 50% off. I *thought* I had bookmarked a post in which someone listed the Arrows they'd purchased & enjoyed vs. the ones that were a disappointment, but I can't find it now! Did anyone else bookmark this?


Also, I may just get 10 Boomerangs rather than any Arrows. Were there the same problems with some Boomerangs having very little content or are they all full issues?



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Ends: March 31, Midnight Pacific time.


I might buy 5 this week and another 5 before the end.




Lisa: Which Boomerangs did you buy? Do you remember? I have picked out some titles, 6 Boom. 4 Arrow... but was curious if there were some that were better than others.


OP: I think if you type in "Arrow" and "disappointed" to the search feature, you will find your thread. The woman who was less than thrilled with content off Arrow had not done any Boomerang.

Edited by radiobrain
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Lisa: Which Boomerangs did you buy? Do you remember? I have picked out some titles, 6 Boom. 4 Arrow... but was curious if there were some that were better than others.


I was just coming on to ask the same question.


OP: I think if you type in "Arrow" and "disappointed" to the search feature, you will find your thread. The woman who was less than thrilled with content off Arrow had not done any Boomerang.


thank you!

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Okay ladies, I need to search two computers, but I can tell you that the first one we ever did was A Wrinkle in Time and it remains one of my favorites. That's probably because ds liked the book for a change, did not roll his eyes at the assignment, and it was such an "Aha" moment for me as his teacher.


Don't forget that you can get Tom Sawyer for free as a sample, if you haven't already.

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Okay ladies, I need to search two computers, but I can tell you that the first one we ever did was A Wrinkle in Time and it remains one of my favorites. That's probably because ds liked the book for a change, did not roll his eyes at the assignment, and it was such an "Aha" moment for me as his teacher.


Oh, good! That's one of my starred possibilities. :)

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Two of our favorites are:


Beowulf translated by Seamus Heaney

Farenheit 451


The following are all fine:


Eagle of the Ninth

Christmas Carol

Number the Stars

Sword in the Stone


I have but have not yet used:


Ender's Game

Sense & Sensibility

Right Ho, Jeeves


Hope this helps.


I would be curious to hear about any that others have used that I haven't listed.

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THE HSBC page lists this as a subscription to the 2010-2011 season of issues. Is that just a typo? Will it really be 2011-2012?




It is the 2010-2011 season of issues, this current school year. You will be able to download the issues which have already been created for this school year as soon as your Arrow subscription is set up. You won't get the issues for April & May until those months.

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It is the 2010-2011 season of issues, this current school year. You will be able to download the issues which have already been created for this school year as soon as your Arrow subscription is set up. You won't get the issues for April & May until those months.


If the subscription still works the way it did when I had mine (2009-2010), be sure to pick up your subscriptions when they come through. For example, April will be available when you log in until the May issue comes out.

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Thanks, that's what I was thinking. Now I just need to choose the five.

I am in the same boat.


I chose my Arrow issues based on the books. First I listed which books I liked and that I thought DD would like. Then I narrowed it down to books that I already owned or could pick up cheaply. I figured that DD would get more out of each passage if she enjoyed reading the entire book. So far my plan has worked well.


For several of the books the first week's passage is the opening passage of the book, and the last week's passage is the closing passage of the book. The first week's passage gets DD interested in the book. She usually reads the entire book in her own time between the first and fourth week. By the time we get to the last week she can better appreciate and discuss the emotional impact of the closing passage.

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Here are the 5 I got. I ended up going with more Boomerangs than Arrows as the book selections were better. Hopefully I didn't make an error.


Faren. 451

Tale of Two Cities

The Thief Lord

Animal Farm

Farmer Boy


If it weren't right before the convention, I would have bought 10.

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I wish we had a decent convention anywhere near here.


My 10 were Boomerang and Slingshots. It was hard finding things we haven't read or studied, but I'm pretty excited about our list.




Here are the 5 I got. I ended up going with more Boomerangs than Arrows as the book selections were better. Hopefully I didn't make an error.


Faren. 451

Tale of Two Cities

The Thief Lord

Animal Farm

Farmer Boy


If it weren't right before the convention, I would have bought 10.

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Still need to press "buy", but these are what I'm considering right now:


Because dd has to read them next year anyway:


Animal Farm

The Bronze Bow

The Endless Steppe


Because I know dd already loves these books:


A Wrinkle in Time

The Thief Lord


Because *I* love these books:


The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

The Wind in the Willows


Because ds loves (or I think he will love) these books:


Farmer Boy

Ginger Pye

The Mouse & the Motorcycle



I'm still deciding if I should dump one of the above choices and sub Carry On, Mr. Bowditch.

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My ds enjoyed reading this too, much to his surprise. The math and star shootings hooked him.;)


Yes, I was toying w/ Carry On, Mr. Bowditch. DS read it and enjoyed it.



Boomerang List:


The Endless Steppe

A Wrinkle In Time

Ender's Game

Murder on the Orient Express

The Scarlet Pimpernel

The Master Puppeteer


Slingshot List:

Animal Farm

The Hobbit

Sophie's World

The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Edited by Tammyla
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:iagree::iagree: They just look so easy to implement without a lot of fuss. On a bright side, we have all month to think about it.


oh no lol! More money flying out of my wallet....


I know. I managed to talk myself out of the High School download last month, but now... And then were some other Arrows & Boomerangs I was interested in as well. Sigh.
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I'll chime in and say I ordered 10 issues of The Arrow, and we are working through our first, which is Caddie Woodlawn. My dd9 is LOVING it, and I think the dictations have lots of good stuff to focus on in terms of grammar and punctuation.



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I'll chime in and say I ordered 10 issues of The Arrow, and we are working through our first, which is Caddie Woodlawn. My dd9 is LOVING it, and I think the dictations have lots of good stuff to focus on in terms of grammar and punctuation.





That's one of the ones on my new list! I'm guessing I'll buy at least 5 more before the month is up.

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Hi, joining in.


I ordered 5 issues of The Arrow before the March deadline and now that the deadline has been extended I'm considering buying more. I really want to take a thorough look at the issues I already have, but other than that I have a question for anyone who has some issues of The Arrow and some issues of The Boomerang, or just Boomerang, whatever it is.


My question is regarding the difference in difficulty level. Some of the books I'm planning on having ds read next year are books for which there are Boomerang issues, but he'll be in 4th grade. He's advanced in language arts (not gifted, unless perhaps just barely). I guess the question is whether it looks like the Boomerang issues are much more difficult than The Arrow issues in terms of what's in the actual issue, reading level of the book aside, or if it seems like so long as the child can handle the reading level of the book, either level would be fine.

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I do believe there is an Boomerang you can download for free.


I'm looking at the Boomerang for Tom Sawyer. The dictation passages are a bit longer than the Arrow passages. We're doing an ARrow now and for a few of the passages, it says to do them over two days. The passages in the Boomerang are longer. The Boomerang has Think Piece Questions which are lit analysis which isn't in the Arrows. The arrows will cover a literary element such as simile's or metaphors or have a poetry unit etc instead.


I would say if he can handle reading the book and discussing it on a higher level, but the writing stamina isn't up to par, I'd break up the passages into two days.


For example: from ANimal Farm

WHy do you think Orwell chose to use a story in his condemnation of Soviet Communism and totalitarianism, rather than an article or non-fiction?


ANimal Farm is an allegory and contains many symbols. (explains what a symbol is) Name at least two symbols and tell what they represent.

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I do believe there is an Boomerang you can download for free.


I'm looking at the Boomerang for Tom Sawyer. The dictation passages are a bit longer than the Arrow passages. We're doing an ARrow now and for a few of the passages, it says to do them over two days. The passages in the Boomerang are longer. The Boomerang has Think Piece Questions which are lit analysis which isn't in the Arrows. The arrows will cover a literary element such as simile's or metaphors or have a poetry unit etc instead.


I would say if he can handle reading the book and discussing it on a higher level, but the writing stamina isn't up to par, I'd break up the passages into two days.


For example: from ANimal Farm

WHy do you think Orwell chose to use a story in his condemnation of Soviet Communism and totalitarianism, rather than an article or non-fiction?


ANimal Farm is an allegory and contains many symbols. (explains what a symbol is) Name at least two symbols and tell what they represent.


You're right. That was stupid of me. Tom Sawyer is even a book I was considering for next year. Thanks for the info.

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