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Missing Kitty :(

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Our baby kitty Izzy is missing. We haven't seen her since this morning. She does try to run out from time to time and we try to be very careful (we have a door and screened door so we try to close one mostly behind us before opening the next etc) She is not responding to us shaking the food or treat bags like she usually would. She is not responding to the big kitty meowing, the big kitty rarely meows so its like she is looking for her too. I have looked all through the house their are a few hiding places she could be but her not responding when I am near those spots I can't get to makes me think she is not in the house. I keep hoping that she will just pop up out of no where. I have been outside calling her every few mins and shaking the bag outside too and nothing :( :( I know this is small beans to other prayer requests but my heart hurts so much not knowing where she is at. The girls all went to bed crying she goes back and forth between their beds all night long. if you have a prayer to spare please pray she either comes home or comes out of hiding. I live in a pretty woodsy area and we have all types of animals around. She is a little tiny cat though nearly a year old she was quite the runt of the litter. She does have her claws so that puts me at ease some but she has never been outside before. :( I have the window open in the living room incase I hear her on the porch and am sleeping in the living room if I can sleep.

Edited by MichelleC
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When you are looking outside remember to look up, if something frightens her she is likely to go up a tree. It can be challenging to get a frightened cat down but at least they are slightly easier to find.


oh goodness I didn't even think of that. we have 100'sof trees on our street.. our property is surrounded by very tall pine trees. yikes I wish it was daylight. I will bo out when the sun comes up. Thanks for the tip.

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