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is this the usborne to use with sotw?


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  • 7 months later...

I'm trying to watch our budget.


If you had to chose between

51RKhFJwpjL._SL500_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-big,TopRight,35,-73_OU15_SS100_.jpg The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia


519n0J4NxlL._SL500_SS100_.jpg Encyclopedia Of World History


Which would you buy?


Neither one is available at my library! Unless I want to do an Inter-library Loan which only allows me limited time to actually use the book. So, purchasing one is a better option.


We've been The story of the world for the past 5 weeks without these. Will my 10ds and 8dd enjoy looking at it or is this more for Mom to research extra for the lessons.

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fwiw, the Kingfisher is the one SOTW recommended for the logic age kids, so between the 2 I went with Kingfisher. Now I'm considering picking up Usborne, but not because of any deficit in the KF one, but just because...um...two is better? :lol: I need to spend $40 for an extra book? Hmmm.....


I doubt I need the Usborne, and KF has several pictures on each page and only a paragraph or two on each heading, so not too heavy for your age kids (my oldest is 8yo). We do use it.


A bigger factor imo is that the Kingfisher is a big hardbound book and the Usborne is a paperback with smaller pages. I've seen complaints about the Usborne bindings being weak. To get the Usborne in a hardcover (a requirement for an encyclopedia that will be used a lot, imo) you'd' have to pay twice as much.


Soooo, if budget is a concern and you can only get one, I'd vote for the hardcover Kingfisher, hands down! :D

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I have both, and my kids currently appear to prefer the Usborne over the Kingfisher. I think they like the illustrations, and I like the internet links for enrichment. I think the Kingfisher is great too and we do use it sometimes when we just want a little more.

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