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What would you do in this situation?

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Last Tuesday, I knew I didn't feel right, so I called my oncologist's office at 8:30 to get an appt. Dr. has always said, you call if something is not right, I want to see you. I waited until 10:30, no call. I called after lunch, no call. Dh had wanted to go with me, so he finally went to work as it was obvious no body was going to call.


I got up feeling worse, really feeling the need to see a doctor that day. I called at 8:03, left URGENT message. The receptionist was upset that nobody had called me the day before at all. She marked this message URGENT in red and said to call back if I hadn't heard anything in 15 minutes. I waited 20 minutes and called her again. (We're on first name basis at this point.) She was irrate to say the least, said she was going to call down there herself. I never heard back from them at all. So, I called my Primary Care dr. and saw her at 10:30. She did chest xray, bloodwork, could hear the rumbling in my chest, etc. She diagnosed me with pneumonia. I was so weak, she walked me to the car. A friend had driven me over but was sitting in her car so she wouldn't pick up anymore germs in the office. Dr. told me to call my oncologist and let him know what she had me on, etc. I did that right when I got home. I didn't expect to hear anything from them, but I am a little "put out" that nobody called me on Tuesday or Wed. when I needed to be seen. This has not been the norm for this office, but it makes me wonder if I will be seen the next time something like this happens. Should I let somebody know what happened? My oncologist is all about patient care and I believe he will be upset to hear this happened, maybe? I don't know what to do. My PCP will send over her reports from my Wed. and Fri. visits.


What would you do?





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I would definitely say something - it's very strange that they went 2 days in a row without calling you, especially since you did talk to a real, live person.


I'd probably write a note asking for a response, just saying what happened and ask what you should do in the future.

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I would talk to the office manager. I would also let your Dr. know what happened, I tend to think he will be very unhappy about the situation. My BIL is a radiation oncologist and I know he would be very upset if one of his patients got ignored like you did.


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You can also call and talk to the office manager and see if you get acceptable feedback.


I would talk to the office manager. I would also let your Dr. know what happened, I tend to think he will be very unhappy about the situation. My BIL is a radiation oncologist and I know he would be very upset if one of his patients got ignored like you did.



:iagree::iagree::iagree:with the above. This really needs to be addressed.

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I'd make an appointment with the oncologist at the first possible opportunity. He will probably want to check you out anyway. While there let him know what is going on.


I had something similar happen when I was first pregnant with dd. I ended up in the ER and when the on-call OB examined me he asked why I didn't call his office. When I told him I did, he was ticked at the way I was handled.


Most doctors want to know how their office is being run. They won't know if they aren't told.

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I'd make an appointment with the oncologist at the first possible opportunity. He will probably want to check you out anyway. While there let him know what is going on.


I had something similar happen when I was first pregnant with dd. I ended up in the ER and when the on-call OB examined me he asked why I didn't call his office. When I told him I did, he was ticked at the way I was handled.


Most doctors want to know how their office is being run. They won't know if they aren't told.


:iagree:Tell the doctor - in person. The office manager may not tell him.


I also think he'll want to check you out.

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