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Preggo Roll Call

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It seems a bunch of us have just found out we're expecting. :) So I thought I'd post a thread to see how many of us there really are!


We found out last Friday. I'm 7 weeks pregnant and expecting at the end of October. After an ectopic and a string of m/c's, we thought we were done. God, it seems, has other plans though. :lol:


How about you?

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Me! I'm 7 weeks as well and in the throes of horrible all day sickness. :ack2: Due October 27th.


I'm sorry. I feel your pain though. This will be my 3rd pregnancy with Hyperemesis Gravidum. I almost ended up in the hospital on Tuesday because I was so dehydrated. For the first time though, I think we've found a medicine that's taking the edge off. I'm still sick and still struggling, but at least I'm not puking 30-40 times a day like I was this time last week.

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I'm sorry. I feel your pain though. This will be my 3rd pregnancy with Hyperemesis Gravidum. I almost ended up in the hospital on Tuesday because I was so dehydrated. For the first time though, I think we've found a medicine that's taking the edge off. I'm still sick and still struggling, but at least I'm not puking 30-40 times a day like I was this time last week.


Poor you!! I have nothing to complain about then. I feel naueous ALL DAY LONG. So nauseous that I just lie around all day. But thankfully I haven't had any vomiting. I think a "normal" person would have...for some reason I fight it with all that I have. I'm glad that you have found a med that seems to be helping you. Hang in there!

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