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would like advice/ideas for 7th/8th grade please!!

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We need to do some changing around this upcoming year. DD going to be 13(In Sept) and in 7th/8th grade.(7th in Math coming up, 8th everything else)


She is below level in Math. Meaning, she needs a good solid review before tackling Algebra 1(Which she *might* be able to do in Grade 9). *I* would like her to do Lials BCM this year. *She* is balking at it. She said she is tired of textbooks, and the same old computer lectures. She found Brainpop and wants to use that. *I* do not feel that is strong enough. And, it is $100.00/yr which I cannot justify as a supplement. (We are really on the broke side). To keep her interest, we need to make math fun somehow, or it is going to be major drudgery before we get to Algebra. This child hates, hates, hates Math.(Just like me..:001_huh:).


(FTR, She hated MUS, TT,etc.) We have used BJU up until this point. Not so sure about BJU Gr 7. Looks Like Lials might go into a deeper review.?? So I need ideas.


On to LA. She did not like MCT, so we changed over to BJU. It was okay.

I do not want to have an all inclusive LA program. I would like a grammar program with no diagramming(So maybe Easy Grammar?), we already do VFCR, we no longer do spelling, so now it is down to writing. She is an excellent writer, but needs some brush ups. I would like to start her on research papers and such.(She writes a lot of poetry for her song lyrics, as writing music/producing/singing is her passion). To bad there wasn't some kind of unit study on current music incorporating LA/Vocab/Writing:glare:(Unless there is one that I am not aware of).


I cannot(again) afford an expensive program. So wondering if there is a workbook/program I can pick up at a Barnes and Noble?



Science. She loves it. Hated Apologia General. (Yes, she did this for 7th grade)She would like to study Earth Science this year. OR Anatomy and Physiology. Ideas? Can we do this and go right into a Physical Science for Grade 9? Is having a general science course required right before doing Physical?


History/Geogrpahy. This is ALWAYS a problem. I would like to somehow incorporate History/Geography/Literature(with comprehension and study guide) together. We did not enjoy K12 this year. It was just "ok".


She does LOVE to read. But reading "History" is not really her thing either. But,I am sure I can find something to keep her interested.


The issue is, WHAT period of History to cover prior to Grade 9? I would love a general sweep of World/American History.


Ideas for that?


Will add in our Logic Course to round out the year.


So looking for some help from the Hive. Thanks.

Edited by dancer67
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Well imagine that, a humanities person not liking math, lol. I don't know, I just had to chuckle, because I get so much of that in this house. Dd is fine at math, but she doesn't have that bite for it to do amazing things. Like you, I'm pondering through how to handle it. The BJU7, which I got, in the new edition is a HUGE jump from the BJU6. We floundered, mainly because dd just didn't, at the time, have the stamina to do that much computation. Then we started VT (we were in the middle of a lot of problems last calendar year, needed VT, OT, blah blah), and we didn't get much math done. In January I decided math had to get done, no matter what, so I got Math Mammoth. It has been a nice change of pace for us. It's a workbook, and it kicks things up a notch from BJU. I have no clue where she would have placed if we hadn't had so much time off math. Just for your trivia, you might do the placement tests and see.


If you haven't done Hands-on Equations yet, I highly recommend it. Not only does it create a fabulous conceptual foundation, but it will show you where she is getting ready for algebraic thought. We hit a wall with it last year, so I knew she literally just wasn't ready. That made me much more confident to keep doing lots of other things and let that maturity come.


Sounds like the BJU 8 American Republic and BJU 8 Earth Science would be good fits for you. You can outline the science text. We don't do rewrites from those outlines, but I suppose according to WTM we should (bleh). We're doing the BJU Life Science right now, and I'm VERY happy with it. We outline, which really is the best way to get through the material and make it stick. I try to outline ahead, then work with her. She does it on the computer, inputting the structure and bolded terms. After she reads the text, we go back and fill in the details of the outline, discussing. It is working out very well, and she has had no problem on the tests, which I also recommend.


MereMinerals had some interesting posts on writing. There was a book Writing for 100 Days by Arg??? she recommended and that has a sequel essay writing book. I'm just finding different things and seeing what will stick in my mind. What I've actually been wanting to do is carry the assignments over to her history more, but we'll see. I've been sore-tempted by TOG, but as of right now I'm just pulling together the readings, writing assignments, etc. myself using a BJU 11 US history text I have and stuff I found online. Occasionally I wonk myself and wonder if that's insane. Nothing wrong with the BJU8, and most mortals would be very happy with it. I have old editions (largely the same as current) of both the BJU8 and 11, and I borrowed the 11 student activity pages workbook from my SIL to look at. The thought process is where dd wants to go, and it lines up well with the spine she wants to use (DK Story of America). However that is such a stretch, I do see the insanity. (There's a REASON I've been wonking myself, lol.) She's a history person, and I'm trying to give her what she asked for. So that would be part of Omnibus iii (well she didn't really want those, but I'm tossing them in, hehe) with very girly primary sources (diary of a 14 yo girl during the Civil War, cookbook of General Lee, frugal living guides from the world wars, etc.) plus the DK book, extra topical readings and the study guides in BJU 11 plus the BJU11 workpages. Oh, and writing assignments and mapping from some places I found online. But that's a high school course made girl-friendly, not an 8th gr course. The 8th gr book isn't as detailed as the 11. I could be nuts. Take that back, I am nuts. Did I mention I don't like history? :)


Well that's just me talking out loud for where I'm at with the same age level. Oh, we're not going to do the WHOLE of US history next year, at least I don't plan to. I'm planning to start with slavery and the Civil War and move forward from there. She basically wanted 20th century, as we've done the earlier stuff so many times. I figured I could save the 1st half of Omnibus iii (all those rough readings on govt, the constitution, etc.) to make a snazzy govt course later. Remember we're at that point of getting serious about a 6 year plan. We're thinking 1 year of american, a 4 year cycle, then a year of govt/econ and electives.

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I was dickering around looking for a different math/music software program and found this




which combines music, math, physics and history. Maybe just your daughter's cup of tea. I've not used it, but it looks great. It's not even that expensive!


Here's a review of it http://www.wildridge.com/mm_overview.html



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I was dickering around looking for a different math/music software program and found this




which combines music, math, physics and history. Maybe just your daughter's cup of tea. I've not used it, but it looks great. It's not even that expensive!


Here's a review of it http://www.wildridge.com/mm_overview.html





Wow! This looks great! Now I'm trying to figure out if I can add it to our schedule.

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I was dickering around looking for a different math/music software program and found this




which combines music, math, physics and history. Maybe just your daughter's cup of tea. I've not used it, but it looks great. It's not even that expensive!


Here's a review of it http://www.wildridge.com/mm_overview.html




This looks great. Thanks for the link! :001_smile:

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Can't help with the music aspect, but I can help you save on Brainpop (and add in Discovery Education Streaming as well). http://www.onlineg3.com has a discussion forums only option (currently $55 per year) which includes a free subscription to Brainpop and to Discovery Education Streaming. Registration is currently closed until the next year begins (current subscriptions run through July 31, so I guess registration for next year will be sometime this summer).


We had Brainpop for a year and, while a nice supplement, I agree that it isn't a full program. Have you looked at Khan Academy? It's free. They have video instruction, and if you access it through the website (http://www.khanacademy.com) there are additional practice problems for which you can earn various badges/etc.

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I didn't read the other replies but why don't you do LoF this coming year with her? She should be able to do the 4 books before starting algebra in 1 year. Start with fractions, go to decimals and percents, then pre-algebra 1 w/ biology and go on to pre-algebra 2 with economics. That would be a big change of pace and is enough to be a good solid year of review as well as pre-algebra before going onto algebra 1. If she needs more review just have her do all the bridges instead of 1 or 2.


(atleast for the math portion)

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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Science. She loves it. Hated Apologia General. (Yes, she did this for 7th grade)She would like to study Earth Science this year. OR Anatomy and Physiology. Ideas? Can we do this and go right into a Physical Science for Grade 9? Is having a general science course required right before doing Physical?

General Science in not a prerequisite to Physical Science. You should do fine to go into Physical. Have you looked at Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology? That would not be a year long program though.


History/Geogrpahy. This is ALWAYS a problem. I would like to somehow incorporate History/Geography/Literature(with comprehension and study guide) together. We did not enjoy K12 this year. It was just "ok".


She does LOVE to read. But reading "History" is not really her thing either. But,I am sure I can find something to keep her interested.


The issue is, WHAT period of History to cover prior to Grade 9? I would love a general sweep of World/American History.

Ideas for that?


Have you looked into Drive Thru History? I bet you could even find them used for cheaper.



I am off to see if there is such a thing as musically based writing- though that link you were given looks VERY interesting :001_smile:

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Sorry I am just getting back to this thread now.


First, loving the music/math program. I didn't know about that.


And OhElizabeth...again, thank you for taking the time to write out that wonderful post. Will look into everything you suggested.


About Brainpop, if it is $55.00/yr I would do that as a supplement. Have that site bookmarked. And, I didn't even know about that site at all. I can sign her up for brainpop in the summer when the rate goes down. And for Discovery Streaming, that is a deal.


LoF math, could be something to look into as well.


Any other ideas, I am open to them. Many of them I didn't even know about!



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What about Life of Fred, Key to Algebra (or pre-algebra topics), etc. for her math work? I believe those are not so expensive as something like BrainPop. I also like Russian Math 6 as a pre-algebra program, but it's more difficult, I think, so she might not like it....


I switched my grammar challenged son over to Easy Grammar Plus this year and it seems to be working better for him than Rod and Staff or Abeka did.... I used Writing Strands with my older son, who was a real writer. I think kids who are good at writing do well with that program. Some love it; some hate it. I don't know of anything you could pick up at Barnes and Noble for that age....


I used MSNucleus.org earth science as my spine for last year. It is a good, solid middle school earth science program. You don't have to use their materials (they just started selling kits), which are more expensive. You can find a good rock/mineral sample kit used and be just fine with their labs. Oregon State's Volcano World website also has free online curriculum with study questions, labs, tests, etc. to cover tectonics topics. NASA has some space science sites/curriculum you could use. All these are free (you can do them online or print them off and make your own books/workbooks)....


I don't know about a comprehensive world history program, but Joy Hakim's History of US would provide a thorough American study and there are study guides, tests, etc. available to go with it....

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