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The word "primer"

How do you pronounce the word "Primer"?  

  1. 1. How do you pronounce the word "Primer"?

    • short /i/ sound
    • long /i/ sound
    • not sure

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Just thought of something ... As a PP pointed out, both the paint and the book are foundational or initial -- as is "primary" school. So would y'all pronounce primary-school primer as "primary-school primmer"?


To me that seems inconsistent (not that English is always logical, haha). I just have never heard "primmer" except from homeschoolers. (I never watched "Little House," either; just read the books.) I've lived in New York, New Jersey, and California, and overseas. Of course the word "primer" (= book) doesn't usually come up in casual conversation with non-hs'ers :)


(If it's pronounced "primmary-school primmer," then I'm really confused! :confused:

I was just thinking the exact same thing.
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Grew up in the midwest and lived in PA. and NY., I have never heard anyone use the word in relation to a school and say it with a long i.


Both dh and I though everyone says it with a short i in relation to school. We both just excepted it as an inconsistency of the English language.


I'm very surprised with the results of the poll!

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I forgot to ask if you would mind explaining why you voted the way you did. I always thought it was a long /i/ because the way I understand the phonics rule it would need to have 2 Ms in order for it to be a short /i/. If you voted short /i/ would you mind explaining why it's short and not long? I'm wondering if there's some phonics rule that I'm missing. Thanks!



I agree, 2 m's for a short i sound. I grew up in WI and never heard it with a short i. I live in AZ and never heard it with a short i.

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