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Online Science Programs


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I was thinking of adding extra science for my DS7. We currently use BFSU but I was wondering if there were any suggestions for online/computerbased science programs that might be more independent. I'm not trying to replace BFSU but just give my son something extra and he loves doing everything on his own.


I am interested in but not sure if any of these would be alright for him to use on his own or with minimal assistance.


a) AHA science

b) edventures

c) Exploration Science

d) other programs ( perhaps even free:lol: )



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My 7 yr old loves AHA Science. She does it for fun. The introduction and information "videos" are short and entertaining, then she gets to play a game. Her older brother sometimes has to help her with these, some of them are geared toward the 4/5 grade level. Aha is great for an introduction, or to give you a day where you don't have to mess with science. There are 33 modules/topics, covering Earth, Life, and Physics sciences. We really like it, and at the time it was only $15 for 1 year. I don't know anything about the others, sorry.


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I really have to stop reading these threads. I have my History, Science and Geography all laid out for the next few years and then I find out about something like this. My son is a strong visual learner and loves playing and learning on the computer. AHA looks like a perfect supplement for him and for only $15/year I don't mind adding it to our other programs.

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I set up our AHA science account today and it was a hit. DS7 ennjoyed it and DS4 watched and answered questions as well. They both loved it!!


The downside is I was hoping to use AHA for DS7 so I can have focused one on one time with DS4 for his speech therapy. I guess I'll have to find some other time. :)

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