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I had a wonderful visit with my grandmother today.

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She is at peace with her place in this world, and we had a long, candid conversation. And a couple glasses of champagne (celebrating life, you know! ;) )

Mostly we laughed. Because she said, "Crissy, if I can't laugh about this, someone should just kill me now!"


She has an appointment on Monday afternoon with an oncologist, so we'll know more then about the sort of pain relief and/or treatment she will be receiving.


I have to tell you, I was lying in bed this morning thinking how ironic it was that I bristled at the assertion that we, the members of this virtual community, cannot think for ourselves, only to find that by the end of the day I really couldn't.


I thank you for the support and suggestions you offered me yesterday evening.

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I have to tell you, I was lying in bed this morning thinking how ironic it was that I bristled at the assertion that we, the members of this virtual community, cannot think for ourselves, only to find that by the end of the day I really couldn't.



What fun is there in being in solitude, thinking for yourself all the time, when the world is made up of such colorful, wonderful people who have a plethora of knowledge to learn from? Why receive all of our knowledge from having our noses in a book when a perfectly extraordinary, live person is in front of us? I find that the older I get, the less I know and the harder it is to think for myself. I for one, love to get the input of others and decide for myself (uh-oh! Does that mean I think for myself!? :)) what of their input I will discard, and what I will take with me. In all honesty, I think being on this message board helps me think more for myself because I have to determine what is truth and what is not.


Now (wiping my hands in the air to get down to real business here), I am so glad to hear that you and your grandmother had champagne - um..err..I mean... a wonderful time together! What a trooper, and what a granddaughter!


Peace and lots of hugs!

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It's hard thinking that she's been gone almost 18 years! I wasn't old enough to appreciate her as much as I should've. Sadly, maturity took a while to set in with me. :confused:


Cherish these moments Crissy! I'm so sorry that she is having to go through cancer! :(

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Crissy, I prayed for you today and I'm so glad you had a nice time. What a gift you gave her with your listening ear and your time. What a gift she gave to you with an example of how to die with grace and dignity. I so pray that I be that way.


There is a reason why bees gather in hives, I guess.

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(((Crissy))) I was thinking of you today. I'm glad you had a great visit. Your experience reminds me of something that happened to us recently.


Our dear friends lost their seventh child (under 2) to cancer this December, and we flew back East to be with them. I was very antsy and stressed and anguished while getting there, but when we were able to connect with them and have a good, long, unhurried visit of a few hours, I felt much better. There was something about seeing them in person, seeing that they were handling this OK, and crying together that was tremendously healing. Then, it was much easier to face the services and everything else.


I pray that you will have many such "centering" visits with your grandma in the coming weeks/months. I'm not saying that you won't grieve--of course you will. But there's something about connecting in person that really helps, I think.



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What a gift, Crissy, to have a grandmother in your life! I'm sorry she's ill, and I do understand the feelings you shared here yesterday. It's good your doctor is a personal friend so you can comfortably share your thoughts with him (her?), too.


That's great that your grandmother maintains her sense of humor about life. We have to, don't we? After all, no one gets out alive.;)

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