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Anyone use CC's Foundations Guide at HOME successfully?


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I was going to enroll in CC next year, but it isn't going to work out. So I'm wondering if it is worth buying the guide and trying to do it myself at home? I know a big part of it is the accountability CC offers, and the tickets the kids earn. These things keep mom and kids motivated. But if we absolutely can't join CC, should I consider using the guide anyway? Or skip it altogether.


I'd love to hear from anyone who has actually tried (and hopefully succeeded with) using the Guide at home. I'm thinking I could even do tickets or something with my son, but it isn't quite the same when he isn't competing against other kids.



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I chopped mine up so to speak. For example, I took the science memory, typed it out, and selected one thing per week VERY loosely based on BFSU. I will do the same with history. I'll say that I'm memorizing their Latin grammar myself - I think they did a good job breaking it down to the absolute basics.


So I'm :bigear: - but I think the guide was worth it (I have a used 2nd edition).

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If you are motivated, you can definitely do it at home. I would get the guide and the audio CDs. The other memory work CD is nice, because you can do review of the material on your computer and have the graphics and maps along with the songs, but it isn't absolutely necessary. My advice is set aside a block of time each week to introduce new memory work, and a few minutes a day to do your review.


I wish I could tell you I myself did it at home successfuly, but we did CC last year in a group, and I thought I'd try it at home this year. It has been sporadic at best and it is my fault (my dd would do it every day if it were up to her). We have listened to the CDs in the car a lot. I really miss the group aspect and so does my dd (I have no idea what you mean by tickets -- must be something specific to the campus you were looking at). We will probably rejoin for next year.

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(I have no idea what you mean by tickets -- must be something specific to the campus you were looking at).


Oh, yeah. Maybe just this campus. They give out tickets a lot - so 3 for the best oral presentation, 2 for 2nd, 1 for 3rd. The kids divide into two teams to do memory work review, and the winning team each week gets several tickets each. Whichever kid volunteers first to do the presentation or whatever will get tickets. Etc. Then they have a little "shopping" thing each 6 weeks where they get to buy stuff (that they've brought in) with the tickets. Great idea and gets kids excited.

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The last 2 years, especially my first CC year, I went though all the memory with my public schooled kids and hs kids. I think the nice thing is to buy a current cd (the old have mistakes) and then put in your own audio for english (I like Shurley) keep the timeline in VP order in case you want to do their history sometime. Tweak the definitions if you want... so that they match YOUR system. Change what you don't agree with... spread it out so it's a four year cycle if you want. THEN, set a day and time (Mondays at 10am for example....) Invite a couple of other families that you like... and keep the day and time set... And you'll have a blast!!! :) For almost free :)

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The last 2 years, especially my first CC year, I went though all the memory with my public schooled kids and hs kids. I think the nice thing is to buy a current cd (the old have mistakes) and then put in your own audio for english (I like Shurley) keep the timeline in VP order in case you want to do their history sometime. Tweak the definitions if you want... so that they match YOUR system. Change what you don't agree with... spread it out so it's a four year cycle if you want. THEN, set a day and time (Mondays at 10am for example....) Invite a couple of other families that you like... and keep the day and time set... And you'll have a blast!!! :) For almost free :)




Will you elaborate just a little? What do you mean by "put in your own audio for English"? Does keeping the timeline in VP order mean NOT using CC's songs? Isn't that a plus for the memory work? :001_smile: Just curious as I'm tentatively planning on doing CC memory work at home too!

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I've been doing it successfully at home for two years. I don't do the grammar or Latin, though. I do PL/LC instead and my own grammar program. It does help to have another family to review songs with, though.


The timeline CC uses is from VP. VP has a song for each of the five sets of cards. The songs include more detail than just the cards (listing the names of the 12 tribes of Israel, the days of creation, etc). The five sets of cards are almost entirely chronological. However, VP purposefully placed a few cards in a different order so that the student could see the flow of history in a region. For example, Minoan culture is placed at the beginning of the New Testament / Greece and Room set because it helps the student understand the background of the region.


CC re-arranged a few of the VP cards so that the timeline is more precisely chronological. This means that there is no song for the timeline. The timeline is simply chanted.


My daughter does both and it isn't confusing. She prefers the songs by far.


The history songs in CC are something else. In addition to the timeline cards, there is a specific history event that is taught to a tune each week. If you get the Scholastic Everything You Need to Know about World History/American History, you can easily see where she pulled her facts from. In fact, she references the pages from these books in the first edition Foundations guides.

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I've been doing it successfully at home for two years. I don't do the grammar or Latin, though. I do PL/LC instead and my own grammar program. It does help to have another family to review songs with, though.


The timeline CC uses is from VP. VP has a song for each of the five sets of cards. The songs include more detail than just the cards (listing the names of the 12 tribes of Israel, the days of creation, etc). The five sets of cards are almost entirely chronological. However, VP purposefully placed a few cards in a different order so that the student could see the flow of history in a region. For example, Minoan culture is placed at the beginning of the New Testament / Greece and Room set because it helps the student understand the background of the region.


CC re-arranged a few of the VP cards so that the timeline is more precisely chronological. This means that there is no song for the timeline. The timeline is simply chanted.


My daughter does both and it isn't confusing. She prefers the songs by far.


The history songs in CC are something else. In addition to the timeline cards, there is a specific history event that is taught to a tune each week. If you get the Scholastic Everything You Need to Know about World History/American History, you can easily see where she pulled her facts from. In fact, she references the pages from these books in the first edition Foundations guides.


If you have both the VP music cds and CC music cds for history, which one do you prefer and why?

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If you have both the VP music cds and CC music cds for history, which one do you prefer and why?



We have both.


CC has weekly memory work including:

- history timeline

- history sentence

- Latin

- English grammar

- science

- math

- geography


The history timeline is pulled from Veritas Press' flashcards. The VP song CDs have their timeline in their order. There are a very few changes between VP's order and CC's order. No details - just a quick title for each event.


The history sentences are much more detailed. "In 1492, Columbus made the first of four trips to the Caribbean on 3 Spanish ships named the Nina, Pinta, & Santa Maria.


CC's songs include everything EXCEPT the timeline.

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