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Reviews of "Social Thinking" books/curriculum?


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Another related question: Anyone purchase her DVDs? Are they worth the money?


If you aren't familiar with this material, it was written for Aspies and others who have deficits in social skills, many due to prosodic deficits related to APD or otherwise. Looks really good to me...I've ordered the parent/professional book but haven't used the materials yet. Seen a bit of Marcia Winner's online training videos on Youtube and they look right on target. If the book is good enough, I may buy the curriculum and training DVDs for my DD.

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Just talked to our speech therapist about the curriculum and she says she loves it! For kids like DD, who have a deficit in understanding the intent behind communication and who thus communicate awkwardly in return, she thinks it is awesome. Don't know what parts we are going to try first, but I'll post back someday and see if it works out.

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