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My 3yo thinks he is a vacuum cleaner

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Sometimes he is a Roomba and goes in circles, bumping into furniture. He has memorized the orientation message it plays (new version) and makes his sister play 'Roomba talk' with him. Sometimes he's an upright. I can tell because he goes back and forth rather than in circles and makes a different noise. Every so often he's a dustbuster when he's going upstairs. When he wakes up from his nap, the first thing he wants to know is whether Roomba's button is red or green and whether it's working or charging and when he talks to my mom long distance, the only thing he wants to talk about is current state of all the vacuums in the house.


So what's the verdict? Unhealthy obsession? Another Edison? Just a male brain?


Oh, BTW...I just remembered he's also developing an attachment to the answering machine. He plays messages over and over until he can repeat them verbatim. He blinks his eyes and makes the uh-uh-uh noise for a busy signal. This child LOVES electronics.



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Ds was a blender for a while. He looooved going to Jamba Juice and watching them with their big industrial blenders.




(BTW, he seems to have gotten over it. But I'm not sure he was ever as committed to it as your ds is to the vacuums!)

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Well you could watch for sign of Asperger's. My son is an Aspie and my friends son is, too. He was obsessed with the vacuum.


But, truthfully he could be just another crazy boy. Either he sounds like a riot!!!


I've got three sons and it never surprises me what they enjoy to do.

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Ds was a blender for a while. He looooved going to Jamba Juice and watching them with their big industrial blenders.




(BTW, he seems to have gotten over it. But I'm not sure he was ever as committed to it as your ds is to the vacuums!)


Oh, thank you Abbey! That is exactly what I was looking for. A BTDT story where the boy has *gotten over it* LOL



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...but this part nearly made me wet my pants!!! I had visions of him growing a crevice tool somewhere! :smilielol5:



I just remembered he's also developing an attachment...





He sounds like an average three year old boy to me, though I don't have any to compare with. Too cute!

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If he actually starts picking stuff up, I want him. I'll pay shipping.



Seriously, this sounds very normal to me. My son, at two, was a different color each day. He would become irate if we called him "Mr. Green" when he had become Mr. Brown, etc. :D He, too, loved electronics, but I just figured he got that in the DNA (as in , "Like father, like son").


Have fun with him and enjoy! Take it from me, he's going to be 14 and eating you out of house and home before you know it. :)

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I had one who thought he was a backhoe for months. It was great at clean up time, but when I was trying to put the baby to sleep and he kept beeping when he backed up it became annoying.


My next one thought he was a dinosaur (meat eating one, of course). He tried to bite everyone and roared to scare people away.


The youngest currently thinks he's a duck. If you ask him his name he replies, "Donald" then flaps his wings and quacks.


I just go with the flow where boys are concerned. They keep me in stitches!

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I don't know if it is "normal", but it is sure cute to read about. :)


When my nephew was three, my sister would try to get his attention to speak to him. He would stare straight ahead with a blank look on his face. When she would get irritated with his lack of response, he would say, "I'm Loading!"


He has always been obsessed with electronics. He has a cd player and knows all of the songs on all of the cd's by their track number.

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