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Feeling sad for my private student - poor performance

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My student had one of those competitions that ps band/orch students do this morning. I always ask her mother to email me after a performance. So she emailed that it did not go well, and my student is upset and won't talk about it. I feel so bad for her. She was nervous, I know, so I suspect her nerves got the better of her. I told the mother that my student is welcome to call, and I will see her Monday for her lesson. I haven't had a student feel awful after a performance before, so I'm at a bit of a loss. :(

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Aw, that's rough. But a major learning experience. I'd emphasize that we are human, not robots, and can't have wonderful performances all the time.

And even then, a robot would just be playing the notes, not making music.

I'm not even sure I made any sense there whatsoever!

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When my ds has had less than stellar performances, his teacher has reassured him that not only is it normal, but that she can relate. She's shared with him some instances when she played poorly, and how she handled it. It was amazing how much hearing that helped ds. It didn't make the disappointment less necessarily, but he saw that it can happen to anyone, even (gasp!) his own teacher! :)


Worth a shot to share it with her at her lesson.

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