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When to use which (cooking oils)

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We've stopped using shortening for cooking (except to grease our pizza pan, nothing else seems to prevent sticking). So, now we use primarily 100% canola oil and sometimes butter. DH has mentioned wanting to start using olive oil but I must admit that I don't know when I can use it. I seem to remember reading that you can't use it to fry because the temp is too high.


So, when do you use what (shortening, butter, canola, olive, etc):


1. in recipes that call for oil

2. a dab in the skillet to prevent sticking

3. a layer in the skillet for southern frying

4. to grease pans for baking

5. what else?




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We've stopped using shortening for cooking (except to grease our pizza pan, nothing else seems to prevent sticking). So, now we use primarily 100% canola oil and sometimes butter. DH has mentioned wanting to start using olive oil but I must admit that I don't know when I can use it. I seem to remember reading that you can't use it to fry because the temp is too high.


So, when do you use what (shortening, butter, canola, olive, etc):


1. in recipes that call for oil olive, light if it's a delicate flavored recipe

2. a dab in the skillet to prevent sticking depends on what I'm cooking; sometimes olive, sometimes butter, sometimes a mix of both, unless it's at a high temp (see below)

3. a layer in the skillet for southern frying I don't do this type of cooking, but if I were doing fried chicken or something similar, I'd probably use grapeseed because it can withstand high temps

4. to grease pans for baking butter or a Pam spray

5. what else?





I use olive and grapeseed exclusively; the grapeseed being used only when I'm sauteeing or searing. Otherwise I use olive. I've heard bad things about canola so I've stopped using it, although honestly, I've forgotten the specifics on why it's bad. You could Google for details.

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I use olive oil only for cooking. Works fine for anything in a pan. I use it for greasing baking pans if I bake savory stuff.

For baking bread or cake and greasing respective baking pans, I use butter.


This is exactly what I do. I do some vegan baking for friends and substitute coconut oil for butter then.

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