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What Math for a 12th grader who's not math inclined?

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My 11th grader is doing Lial's Intermediate Algebra, moving at a slow pace. We're only at chp 7. He's never been inclined toward math. I just can't see him doing Precalculus next year without struggling. Georgia requires 4 years of math for college. What should he do for 12th grade? Consumer math is not an option? Thanks so much for any advice.

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Statistics (not necessarily AP) would be my first choice for usefulness in the modern world. I'd also strongly recommend some sort of continuing algebra review (1-2 problems per day) so he doesn't lose his algebra skills -- he will probably have to take more math at college.

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Statistics (not necessarily AP) would be my first choice for usefulness in the modern world. I'd also strongly recommend some sort of continuing algebra review (1-2 problems per day) so he doesn't lose his algebra skills -- he will probably have to take more math at college.


I agree that statistics is very useful if your student is going on to college. If not, perhaps consumer/business math would be better. Has your student had geometry? I would definitely do at least a basic geometry course.

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Has he shown any inclination toward a potential college major or future occupation? For example, most business degrees require Calculus. It might be preferable for your son to try Precalc over a full year of 12th grade than take it as a semester course in college--same material, twice as fast. KWIM?

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First, I would look at the colleges your son wants to attend and see what their requirements are. Unless you are planning to attend a GA public college, you don't have to go by the Ga public school rules. Is it possible to take College Algebra dual enrollment and get it out of the way? That is something we are considering.

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