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Doing high school in 5 years instead of 4????

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My ds and I were talking this evening about adding an extra year on to his high school time, just to give him time to get it all in. He fears that it will be looked upon poorly by colleges, as though he couldn't get through hs in four years or less.


I told him that it is a trend that is catching on in certain circles, to which he promptly asked, "Where? Who do we know that has taken an extra year?"


Insert sound of crickets chirping....


So, have you planned to add a fifth year, or has someone you know done so?

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Seems to me there's another thread about 5-year high school somewhere. You might want to check. But to add to Kareni's post, a good friend of mine did this by basically delaying graduation one year, and whatever was done in 11th prior to the graduation delay, became what was done 10th and on down, and it was reported that way. For example if he did, say, Amer Lit in 10th originally, that became what he did in 9th, and so on. It was the best thing for him! He graduates this year from Worcester Polytechnic Inst with a very good job prospect.


The young man was very angry when his mom and dad originally made the decision at the end of 11th grade. But now he realizes what a good idea it was. Sure, some kids are ready, but many need some time. What's the rush anyway?



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The young man was very angry when his mom and dad originally made the decision at the end of 11th grade. But now he realizes what a good idea it was. Sure, some kids are ready, but many need some time. What's the rush anyway?




I am considering this very thing with my current 8th grader. Academically, she is fine. Maturity wise, I am worried. I see now that a quick review basically shows my older daughter maturing at roughly 2 years *behind* her peer group. I am very much seeing the same thing with my almost 14yo daughter. Both had *very* late puberty. (as I also did)


My thought is to basically consider delaying my 8th graders education by about 6 months for starters. I would change:

9th grade becomes 8th/9th

10th grade becomes 9th/10th

11th becomes 10th/11th

12th becomes 11th/12th &

12th grade becomes a 6-month "year" (semester) and a January graduation instead of June (so 6 month delay).


My thought is that a 6mo "slide" will be easier emotionally for the child? Thoughts? My husband and daughter and I are having very beginning conversations about this. This is hard to imagine. My daughter is pretty crushed at the thought.


Our problem is *not* academics though. It is maturity, time management, organization, truthfulness and understanding logical consequences.


??? Lisa J

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We add an extra year before secondary school (7-12). We primarily do online classes, such as VP, and I feel that the extra year of mental maturity is needed before tackling more advances literature selections and the other high school subjects. I can really see that this even helps in our kids participation level and comprehension of the topics discussed.


It may just be that our kids are late bloomers or maybe simply needed more time. I just didn't want to rush through grade levels "just because" of age or friends. I mean, isn't that what institutional school does (assuming the student isn't failing)...just pass them along due to age and not necessarily what might be best for them mentally or psychologically?


I'm looking for readiness, not just ability or chronological age. My kids really didn't think anything of it either. Maybe deep down, they knew too, that they could use extra time under their belt.


My 2 cents.

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One thing that seems to be a concern is about the college application requesting courses taken in the "last" four years. Well, since we are homeschooling... can't we just list five years of courses into four? Unless of course what was taken in the first year could be proven otherwise.


For us, I was just planning on listing the courses my twins completed based on subject category and not by year. So for example:


Course............ Semester 1...Semester 2

English 9......... B ............ B

English 10....... A ............ B

Composition.... A ............ A

Poetry Lit....... A

World Lit............................. A

American Lit.... B ............. A

Senior English.. A

Graduation Project............... A


and so on.

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