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to please skip gravy subjects with my littles (6 and 5) this year. I am going nuts trying to decide what to do.


Thank you, sanity and clarity will return momentarily. Now back to your regular postsing...

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How old are all of your children? It helps me put things in perspective.


FWIW.....I only do reading/phonics, handwriting/copywork, and math with my kids in grades K-2. I read them good books or science that they like, etc as bedtime stories.


I read your other thread about planning and didn't respond b/c I am sort of confused about your history. Are you homeschooling everyone? What grades? Are they on grade level skillwise?

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sorry for the confusion.


I homeschool all 5 of my kids. Ages are 14, 12, 6, 5 and 2.


The older 2 are all done planning wise except for grammar and lit. But since we haven't even gotten to starting science, I am willing to let it go for the mo.


The younger 2 are on target, I would say, compared to other kids who have had no formal schooling yet. That is all I would like to do. But I feel guilty, like I am not doing enough if I don't use something like Oak Meadow or FIAR alongside. Given my time constraints each day, I just do not see how to squeeze it in. And I do not feel OM does a firm job in LA. I love the rest, though.

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Guest Dulcimeramy

Another fairy godmother granting your wish, and a blessing upon you.


If you want less-stress gravy for little ones, here is all I used during high-stress times:


1. An art box (crayons, watercolor paints and brushes, paper, modeling beeswax)


2. Plenty of time in the great outdoors, including water and mud


3. Books, books, books


4. A toy box (matchbox cars, doll, teddy bear, blocks, train set, legos)


5. Access to my pots, pans, and measuring cups for playing


Less is more. Free time, books, a few activities and toys, the great outdoors, a clean house, a good routine, and a relaxed and loving mother are the elements that prepare children for academic rigor later.

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I ask myself what I would want to teach my kids if I only had a year with them. After the initial frenzy of a list that goes for miles, :) I can boil it down to: can they read? For me, that is the ultimate goal of the early years. Focus on that (or your chosen area), and there will be years for all the extra goodies!

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