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Math help for 6th grade please

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Hi Ladies, I hope I am posting this on the correct forum. If not lmk and I'll post elsewhere.

Now to my problem. Dd 11/5th gr, has been using a certain math program all school year (since August). She started complaining mid November that it was to easy and she wasn't learning anything new. Well I mindlessly brushed it off and kept telling her that it would get harder. Well fast forward to a now. It hasn't gotten harder, she's not learned anything new and I feel like a complete failure as a hs mom. This is the first time in 6 years of hs that I have felt like this. Anyhoo, Dh and I have decided to ditch afore mentioned math program and have moved her to MM 4B. We decided to use this level because Dd previous program hasn't even covered this yet and she needed a refresher course. My question is should I have Dd finish 4b and then move to 5a and 5b this summer rushing through it so that she will be on grade level for next school year, or could we take a break this summer and let her remain a grade behind? This would have her using MM 6a and 6b in 7th grade as a pre-algebra course. Would this work?

Also Dd is not mathy, she gets it after a few tries. Kwim? I don't know if I should rush her through 5a and 5b and possibly risk her not having a solid foundaiton, then again she may get it and she would be behind. Ughh, so much to think about.



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Keep working steadily at a pace she can comprehend. It is far better that she end up slightly 'behind' than ahead with a weak foundation.


That being said, I *would* work through the summer, but I would not worry about aligning each year of math with the school year so she is doing A in the fall and B in the summer. I would keep working steadily until she began 6B and then spend the time she was working on 6B figuring where to go from there.

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Keep working steadily at a pace she can comprehend. It is far better that she end up slightly 'behind' than ahead with a weak foundation.


That being said, I *would* work through the summer, but I would not worry about aligning each year of math with the school year so she is doing A in the fall and B in the summer. I would keep working steadily until she began 6B and then spend the time she was working on 6B figuring where to go from there.


:iagree: There is no need to abandon math progress this summer, nor is there need to speed through too quickly. I have a couple who are half a grade or a full grade behind in math (depending on how you judge the program we use) and I've already told them to expect to do math everyday this summer. Slow and steady and all that :001_smile:.

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I wouldn't rush at all. However, I would work during the summer, taking time off as needed. She has plenty of time to catch up. I'm not sure about MM, but most curriculums review at the beginning of each book. If she is not forgetting, don't make her go back through those lessons. If you think she knows that material, have her take the test. If she does well, then move on. It will help you get to the new stuff and keep her at a good pace.

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