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TOG clarification-


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The print version and the DE version are exactly the same. The only difference is (as the name says), the print has everything already printed out on paper. A whole year plan fills up 4 2-inch binders. It contains all the assignment pages, reading assignments, student activity pages, teacher's notes, and discussion stuff - everything for every level. The DE has all the same stuff - but in digital form, so you only print what you want to print. Some people who get DE print out all the assignment pages and information they need for their children; other people only print the SAPs and read everything else on the computer.


After doing two years of printed TOG, I am trying to decide if I want to get the DE for year 3. I personally would not choose to get the print/DE combo.


What I like about print:

I like having everything I need on paper - I don't want to have to read the assignments and teacher's notes on the computer.

I like being able to plan lessons away from the computer.

I plan to use TOG through high school, but I know things change, so I like having the option to resell the year plans if we discontinue TOG.

However, the printed version contains SO much that I do not need at this time.


What I like about DE (not that I have used it yet, but the reasons I am considering it):

It's cheaper than printed.

It will continue to be updated, which makes a lot of sense since we will be using this for the next 15 years.

I only need to print the pages that I will be using, so it will take up a lot less space (and I think even with the cost of paper and ink, it will still be cheaper than buying the print version)


As far as the supplements go, mapaids is on CD, so digital or "print" doesn't really matter for ease of use, only resell-ability. Does writing aids come as DE? I have a hard copy, and I do like that. It also comes with a CD for reproducing pages for student use.

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thanks! the reason I ask is because they have a promo for the print and DE version, both for $199! The DE is $170-I figured that would be worth it!

So, they do send the SAP's? One for each level I am assuming? Are the SAP's consumable? I would have one LG and one UG so that would work for the first go around, but in 4 years, I think both may be ready for D, that's why I am interested in having the DE for printing later.

Sorry for so many questions!:)

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thanks! the reason I ask is because they have a promo for the print and DE version, both for $199! The DE is $170-I figured that would be worth it!

So, they do send the SAP's? One for each level I am assuming? Are the SAP's consumable? I would have one LG and one UG so that would work for the first go around, but in 4 years, I think both may be ready for D, that's why I am interested in having the DE for printing later.

Sorry for so many questions!:)


Oh my goodness! I'm changing my answer. For $199, I would purchase the print/DE. You're right - the DE is $170. Spending an extra $29 to get it printed would definitely make sense. I'm so disappointed this isn't the case for all the year plans.


The SAPs are reproducible. You print them off of the Loom CD (which comes with the print). The Loom CD contains all the SAPs for every grade level, so even if you get the print version, you will still have all the levels of SAPs. There is one copy of each SAP included in the print version, but I leave that one "clean" and print off the pages for my kids to complete. TOG does sell SAP packages where the pages are already printed for you, but you can print them pretty easily from you computer.

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As far as the supplements go, mapaids is on CD, so digital or "print" doesn't really matter for ease of use, only resell-ability. Does writing aids come as DE? I have a hard copy, and I do like that. It also comes with a CD for reproducing pages for student use.


When you buy WA (and use DE) you get the hard copy book but instead of a CD you get all the "talking points" pages on your DE.

ETA: I peeked at my DE quick and it also has grading strategies and supplements (Venn diagrams, etc.)



OP, I agree, for $199 you cannot go wrong with the combo.

Edited by TracyP
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I have yet to actually USE ToG (we will be starting in the fall), but I go the print/DE combo. I like to plan with the print...I can take the binder to a coffee shop, I can look at the pages, flip between them, etc. And then I will probably print SAP's, since I have 4 kids. It might seem redundant, but with the small price difference, it works well for me!

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The $199 combo sale is only on yr 1. Y2 combo is on sale for $223.70. y3 and y4 combo remain at their list prices as of this writing.


Pop Quiz is so worth it at our house. I also listen to it each week just to give my brain another input of the main threads. My hubbie likes asking the kids the Qs, too.

Fiddle! I so wanted the Y3 to be on sale for $199! I'd swoop it up right now!!!!

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Pop Quiz is so worth it at our house. I also listen to it each week just to give my brain another input of the main threads. My hubbie likes asking the kids the Qs, too.



Not only do I listen to it to help me with the main threads, this week due to a family emergency, I am having my dc listen as well instead of doing their reading assignments. This way they can stay on track while I take care of my MIL.

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