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S/O of teaching languages


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I have been wanting to teach my dc Spanish. I don't speak it and no one we are close to speaks it. We made a half hearted attempt at it last year. The kids enjoyed it but since there was no one to talk with, we all eventually dropped it. Now we have all forgotten everything.


So, my question is, how and why do I teach the dc a language that they won't get any real practice using? It almost seems like a waste of time.


Secondly, if we pursue this for next year what should I buy? Rosetta Stone is out of my price range.


Next year, my dc will be in K - 4th grade.

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With the percent of the country that is primarily Spanish-speaking, I think that not learning Spanish seriously limits career choices as children get older. I studied Latin & French in high school. Loved them both, and will teach both to my kids... but there's almost no practical application for those languages in the Midwest. Spanish, on the other hand, is spoken by so many people, that it's common to encounter it in the real world. I'm sure there are Spanish speaking people in your area, and it might help reinforce the lessons if you could find some Spanish speakers to expose your DC to. (Maybe call your local PS' Foreign Language department & see about getting a recommendation for a high-level high school Spanish student to interact with your DC.

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I am exactly where you are with languages. I want to teach my little Spanish, but finding a good program where they are interested, can learn to speak and understand is difficult. I also can't afford Rossetta Stone, and I am looking for a decent computer program that reinforces the language verbally since I don't have anyone fluent in Spanish to rely on.


I hope someone chimes in with something that has worked for them and isn't so pricey.

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We use/d La Clase Divertida (reviewing levels 1 and 2 now before moving to 3) and this CD-ROM. We also read books in Spanish and English (like Green Eggs and Ham and Good Night Moon) and listen to Spanish music. Also, when I can, I have Ariel watch her favorite movies in Spanish so she is familiar with the storyline and can focus on the words.

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I can share what works for us. Rosetta Stone didn't - that was after 3 years of trying to make it work. I don't know the languages we are learning, but if we all sit down together and learn together learning happens. I help them make associations between the word in a foreign language and the word in English to help make it stick (i.e. Remembering the Arabic word for door (baab) by imagining Bob the Tomato at the door). I have to be diligent and not let things slide or progress is lost. Because I am learning with them I can add little conversations using words learned into our daily life. A tutor is ideal, but isn't always possible.


There are many resources available for Spanish. I would supplement it with DVDs or music or books with a CD.

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I agree that knowing Spanish will be an asset when the kids choose careers but my concern is that without constant practice, they will forget most of it by the time they are at that point in life.


As far as retention, I love the idea about watching old favorites in Spanish.


Also good is the idea about getting an older teen to practice with. I'll have to ask around our homeschool group to see who speaks Spanish.


Any more ideas to help with retention?

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I like CM's method. The children started with French, and later read about France's history in French. I want to assign readings from Spanish and probably German when the kids are older. And many churches do short term trips to Mexico - perfect time for them to practice Spanish. Or use Skype and get an e-pal.

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