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anyone attend school fulltime and homeschool?

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I have been seriously considering going back to school to get a physical therapy assistant (2 yr) degree. The thing is, my 7th grade son shows no desire to go to public school like his sister did. And, I am totally fine with that, I just don't have as much to do as I did when they were both elementary aged homeschoolers.


The program I am considering would require me to be on campus 5 mornings a week, and one day a week I would be there til almost three. The campus is about 30 minutes from my home (and I cannot take these courses on-line). After I complete the course I would look for a part time job.


Am I crazy for even considering this at this time? I would like to start contributing to the family income again, but I want to do something that I enjoy and feel like I am making a difference in peoples' lives. My other option would be to take a certified nursing assistant course which is only 75-100 hours of classroom and hands on training. However, any job I could get would pay substantially less than a physical therapy assistant position.


Any insight is greatly appreciated.

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Tough question. I'm a firm believer in "for everything there is a season." If this is the season for homeschooling and you don't have an at-home partner to fill in for you, then if I were you, I wouldn't pursue the education track at this time. Your time on campus may seem do-able, but you haven't looked at the time needed for your own study.


I work, sometimes up to 30 hours a week, but once I'm done with work, I'm done. I don't have papers to write, books to read and studying to be done. I also have a partner who works at-home (he's a farmer), so I have support and a co-teacher right there. That said, I couldn't envision going back to school and homeschooling at the same time. I wouldn't be able to give either my school or homeschooling enough quality attention at the same time.


That's just me, though. YMMV.

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Yes, and it works because my children can work independently. Well, dd12 is naturally this way but my ds14 has been getting better. At least DH is home and can help if needed. When I'm home, I try to do my schoolwork in between sitting with them. So I really feel like I'm schooling every day, all day.


I'm gone 2 days a week, all day. I have to work in a Montessori school for one class, and the other 3 classes are in the evening. I don't get home until 9:30pm.


We only school 4 days a week, so that helps some.

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