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Young Life -- what do you think of this kind of Christian outreach?

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By no means. :tongue_smilie:


I just believe that anyone who can't see a connection between atheism and evil, but is willing to make the connection between religion and evil, is blinded - at least in one eye.


Evil is a people thing - not unique to religion, not unique to atheism. The whole 'religion being responsible for evil in the world' argument is a straw man.


I really meant no personal offense.


OK. I thought you were calling me evil. I agree with your take on evil.

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Interesting thread.


I don't believe in evangelistic missionary activity in general. If people need medical attention, give it to them. If they need a house, build it. If they need to learn to read, teach them. If it is an extension of your spirituality, that's great. If the purpose is to establish an "in", or to build trust in order to encourage a particular spirituality on someone *else*, I'm in opposition to that.


This thread/topic also touches on a newly formed interest of mine: the culturally sanctioned assumption that today's teens are a wasteland, devoid of value, spirituality and full of socially ineptitude, poor work ethic and attention spans truncated due to technology.


Granted, the demographic I pull from is middle class, but I am not seeing the hopelessness predicted by many of the older (and often religious) generation.

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This thread/topic also touches on a newly formed interest of mine: the culturally sanctioned assumption that today's teens are a wasteland, devoid of value, spirituality and full of socially ineptitude, poor work ethic and attention spans truncated due to technology.


Granted, the demographic I pull from is middle class, but I am not seeing the hopelessness predicted by many of the older (and often religious)




I agree. The entire premise of YL and other such things seem to be that if kids are not there, they will just have nothing else to do but sex and drugs and drinking. So we have to give them this alternative to save them from themselves. What carp.


And I agree with a pp, many youth activities are just as bad or worse than any other teen activity. They were notorious for it when I was a teen and they are now too. Teens got away with a lot of stuff bc it was presumed by parents and church staff only good Christian behavior was going on and the kids were somehow more trustworthy simply bc they showed up since it was a church sponsored event.

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