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Expected 16% drop in graduation rates in Georgia

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I'm confused a little by the article. Are they saying the drop will occur (mostly) because of calculating it by a federal method that accounts for drop outs instead of the current method or because of this (sounds horrible) math curriculum instead?


What type of graduation rate calculation wouldn't count drop outs?


The integrated math sounds like a failure for many. I've never heard of that.

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It is how drop-outs are defined that is changing. For example, if a student goes to jail and completes a high school diploma, currently Georgia does not consider him a drop-out. The new formula will. Another scenario is deportation. A student who is deported is not currently considered a drop-out. The new formula will consider him one. There are other changes, but those are two I know about.


The integrated math program is not going to cause a large drop in the graduation rate.

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It's horrible. It's why we started homeschooling.


Does it start in 1st grade? I pulled my girls out because they were crying for hours every night about their math homework. It did have multiple concepts on the same page. My DS was never bothered by it but he was ahead when he started school. It was all new to the girls and they couldn't handle it.

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Does it start in 1st grade? I pulled my girls out because they were crying for hours every night about their math homework. It did have multiple concepts on the same page. My DS was never bothered by it but he was ahead when he started school. It was all new to the girls and they couldn't handle it.

Yes. Starts in elementary. Emphasis on calculators, group work, multiple ways of solving problems. De-emphasis on algorithms, mastery, and sequential skill building.

:cursing: :banghead:


Mathematically Correct




Kitchen Table Math

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Does it start in 1st grade?

I though they were referring to the secondary level integrated math, i.e. math is not taught in traditional Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 sequence, but each year has elements of each, as well as the "discorvery" aspects. Our county school district actually uses Singapore math for elementary. The problems abound, including but not limited to no text books.:glare:

My friend's son, homeschooled through 8th with Singapore Math and Lial's, is failing math, along with over 50% of the kids in the class. And that is with tutoring from an indistrict high school math teacher.:confused:

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I though they were referring to the secondary level integrated math, i.e. math is not taught in traditional Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 sequence, but each year has elements of each, as well as the "discorvery" aspects. Our county school district actually uses Singapore math for elementary. The problems abound, including but not limited to no text books.:glare:

My friend's son, homeschooled through 8th with Singapore Math and Lial's, is failing math, along with over 50% of the kids in the class. And that is with tutoring from an indistrict high school math teacher.:confused:


That's probably right. I'm not in Georgia, so I probably shouldn't be commenting here at all.


In our area it starts in elementary. Hate, hate, hate it.

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The new math program for high school is integrated - Math 1, Math 2, Math 3, and Math 4. ALL students must take and pass all 4 years if they want a diploma, including special needs students and those not bound for college. Special needs students can take a support course, which will give them extra help, but it counts as an elective.


This is the 3rd school year (I believe) that this new diploma has been in effect. Even kids without special needs are going into what should be their junior year without having a single math credit - and then they can't be juniors because you have to have the math credit, so they are technically freshman still. As a result, many are choosing to drop out when they hit 18 (because in GA to keep your license you have to have an attendance certificate from the school while you're 15-17).


This is a very real problem for me because my son would be one of those who would be struggling with math in the public school - he struggles with math at home. It is a shame that, in our attempts to make our education system "stronger" we forget that kids are people, and all people are different. Not every person is capable of handling higher level maths, and not every person is college bound. So if we choose not to allow these people to get a high school diploma because they are not able to handle trigonometry or Algebra 2, we doom them to a rough life where they cannot support themselves or their families.


I hesitate to even post this because I know it's hard for most folks who frequent these boards to understand that not everyone can handle these sorts of courses. I was that way myself before I started homeschooling my son. I see how hard he works. I know how many times I've taught him the basics of arithmetic. I know how many curricula I have tried and how much money I have spent. And he still struggles. But he's a great person and he is entitled to a chance at a future every bit as much as the kid who can do algebra in 8th grade (like my daughter). There has to be another path for these folks.


As you can tell, this is a very emotional topic for me as I am facing homeschooling high school this fall for my son! :)

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