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Teachers Lounge! 2-8-2011

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Did you miss me? Wow, what a couple of days!


What's for lunch today? Us: cheesy Oscar Mayer hotdogs and potato chips. I'm trying a new flavor of Starbucks coffee, since it was on sale at the grocery store. ;)


How are you feeling today? Me: this body is tired! I suppose that's what happens when one goes back to two hours of dance class in one night after being absent for two to three weeks! :D


What are you impatiently/patiently waiting for today? Me: two different homeschool curricula that I ordered beginning of LAST week right before Snowmageddon. :lol:


Talk to me! :bigear: I miss you all!

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Where have you been Missy?:toetap05: :D


Lunch - salad (sigh)


Feeling - a bit better than I did for the last couple of days. The sun is shining to day - I think that has a lot to do with it.


Impatiently waiting for - Hmmm. The house cleaning fairy?


Ds is impatiently waiting for two t-shirts he ordered to come. Oh - and another t-shirt he won from Make magazine for having a creative answer to a problem they posed.


Dd is impatiently waiting for her latest Highlights magazine.

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Lunch today: Naan, right out of the oven. It's supposed to be for dinner, but there is plenty and it smells too good to wait.


Feeling: Rested and well, except for this pain that I've had in my stomach since yesterday morning. :glare:


Impatiently waiting for: Some paperwork about my mom from the medical examiner's office.

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What's for lunch today? My son and I ate a a new Mexican restaurant while dd was in her therapies. The food was ok, not great, and lunch cost us almost $30. That's my mad money for almost 2 weeks. Nope, we won't be returning.


How are you feeling today? I am feeling very good, thank you!:D

And thankfully both of my children are well.


What are you impatiently/patiently waiting for today? Well, I am just waiting for dh to come home now. Earlier I was waiting for the county extension agent to come by. One of our goats had a hoof that had a huge hang nail and I didn't know how to trim it. Now I do LOL and he didn't compare us to Green Acres so I must be doing something right!


Our snow is to begin tonight. For our town they are predicting 8 inches. Most years we don't get more than 3 total so having 3 occassions with over 6 inches is a big deal. Thankfully last week's snow melted before today, but I am really tiring of the mud.

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Lunch today: I had my calendar goofed up, and was thinking today was Fastnacht Day, so we went to the library before our planned stop for donuts for breakfast. However, on the way we saw the sign saying MARCH 8. Oops. (That sign has been there since Jan 3, just sayin'.) So we ended up doing McD's, and now I have a headache.


Feeling: COLD. The wind is fierce today, and I'm having a hard time getting warm. So we went out to do errands this afternoon so I could feel productive (and be somewhere warmer, as I always am hot in stores).


Impatiently waiting for: Wed night Bible Study. We are reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan, and I am loving it - but we've missed the last 2 weeks due to snow & ice!

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