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Anyone else have a wonderful mail day after days of ice/snow?

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We have only had sporadic mail delivery all week, due to ice then snow. I received several e-mails from several companies I was expecting packages from saying that their delivery was delayed due to weather.

Not that my packages are worth someone risking their life to delivery... Still - I can handle being cooped up inside for a week but no mail?! :001_huh: It was killing me!


I just opened the front door to see if the sunshine really is melting the ice/snow and found a pyramid of packages on my front door. :D What a glorious mail day!!!


Package one: My vegetable seeds from Pinetree. Because I can't wait to start playing in the dirt again!

Package two: Mozart and Chopin books and CDs from Zeezok Publishing.

Package three: Used book for Asian history study

Package four: Used book for architecture study

Package five: All About Spelling, levels 2 and 3


Still missing -- math books. :tongue_smilie: Not that DS will mind that one.


Anyone else anxiously awaiting mail held up due to this crazy weather?!

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Whatever happened to:

“Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night, stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.â€


I mean, I know it's not an OFFICIAL motto, but really, no postal service because of snow and ice?

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Mail service? Trash service? What are these services you speak of??
Oh, don't even get me started on trash service! :glare:

Friday was our trash day, with extra bulk trash pickup. I had tons of garden debris that needed hauled away. Went out in the snow and ice to drag the bags of trash to the curb.

Trash trucks never showed up.

Looked at our town's website to find out that they canceled service and will just resume their normal schedule when the ice/snow is gone. Which means --- we won't have extra bulk trash pickup for another two weeks!

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