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TOG extras


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So I was thinking of ordering up TOG, and then while using their buying thing, all these extras came up! Map Aids, Writing Aids, SAP packs, lapbooking stuff, teacher training DVD's, and even tab sets! My total cost doubled :tongue_smilie:


What extras did you get, and was it worth it?

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For Year 1 we got the following supplements:


Map Aids - Definitely using this and will be getting again.


Pop Quiz - Nice but hubby is just too busy right now to use them and I don't see the need given everything that I already prepare for TOG. I don't think I can justify the cost to buy them again.


Evaluations - Using lightly but will use more in the future. We will be buying this again.


Lapbook CD's - Using and enjoying these. We will be buying these again.


Writing Aids - This is a one time purchase. We are using the WA related activities so far but I am not sure how much we will be using it in the future. I did find it a worthwhile buy though.


This is for an LG level student. The other supplements were not necessary for this level.


ETA: Teacher's Training materials - I haven't felt the need at the present time and for my son's level.

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I use Map Aids and Pop Quiz. When I say I use Pop Quiz I do mean me not my husband, it's a very good summary of the week for all the levels. Looking at the ages of your children I would say start with the curriculum, maybe the maps. If you feel you need help understanding TOG or implementing it there are a couple of Teacher Training videos that may help, but they aren't necessary.

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Keep your eyes open to the monthly Newsletter, Lampstand Press. It will offer sales for each supplement over the year.


With you dc, I'd say the maps are crucial, but otherwise, unless ya'll love lapbooks (we use lapbooks, but I don't really like TOGs), that would be it.


Pick up the other pieces when they're on sale, a little at a time, so you'll have them for the next round!


Writing Aides is nice from about 4th grade on (IMHO) b/c it starts project type assignments.


The Pop Quizzes are nice to use as Karen suggested.


I find the Evaluations are best used from Dialectic on, while the Grammar stages are just another worksheet...we prefer narrations and written summaries.

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If you just want to get just the essentials, you can start out with Map Aids and leave it at that for now. I will say one thing you can do to save money is start searching for TOG Year plans that include many or all of the supplements. I was fortunate to find Year Plans 1-3 used (including ALL the supplements!) for 30%-50% off the price I would have paid to purchase everything new from Lampstand Press. Just a thought. I would just be very cautious and make sure to only purchase from someone who has positive feedback, or on ebay to protect yourself. Homeschool Classifieds is another place to start looking....again, look for someone who has been there a good while and has positive feedback. Good luck!

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We've found Map Aids to be essential. Evaluations are #2 on our list. Pop Quiz is nice. My DH hasn't used it, but we have listened to it in the car or something, just as a recap or supplement to the week. Lapbooks, my kids really don't like. They prefer notebooking, so we don't get those. SAPs come in the curriculum, not necessary. Writing Aids is nice, but we've had to put it to the side for a while. Too much for my kids at the moment. Tab sets are optional,you can either make your own tabbed dividers or buy theirs, nothing special. Teacher Training stuff, I've gotten on without. DH is getting them for me with our next order we're putting in tomorrow, though. He thinks they might help me organize a bit.

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Map Aids is #1 in my mind. If you plan on using the writing component of TOG than you will want Writing Aids. As others have said, start there and add more later. As far as teacher training goes I LOVED Marcia's 'tips for teaching a house(hold/full?)'. It was free but I don't know if it still is. Other than that I haven't had a need for any of the training sessions. I would like to listen to some as my kiddos get older but not yet.

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I agree with the others. Map Aids is absolutely necessary in our house. The weekly divider tab set is nice, but you can use post-it bookmarks to mark the weeks if you need to. I have seen lots of TOG year plans and units for sale on these boards. That's a great way to save money! Just make sure they provide the Loom CD with the year plan.

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Map Aids-I have used this with all our units. A definite that I will always use at all levels. It can be difficult to replace this with other map sets and is almost as costly to try.


Pop Quiz-I haven't used this so I can't evaluate it. It does seem a clever way to review before tests or to have Dad (or another adult) participate without having to do all the reading though.


Evaluations-I do use this and will at every level. If you have very young children or don't believe in testing then you might wish to skip it or wait until the next go around.


Lapbook-Do you like lapbooks? Do your kids love them? There are plenty of opportunities for crafty projects already in the readings. In some years history pockets are used too. Totally optional based on your preferences. Do note that if you purchase the templates you will then need to purchase the paper you wish to use. TOG sells full printed kits and also plain paper for the templates.


SAP (Student Activity Packs)-This is basically some of the student worksheets and checklists that are in both DE and Print editions. They are just already printed for your convenience/potential cost savings. I print the pages I want my kids to have right from DE (I used to photocopy the print edition). DE even includes many or all of the SAPs as a file that you can manipulate a bit to give some flexibility in creating notebooks or worksheets.


Writing Aids-One time purchase. If you want to use their writing program this will present writing assignments in a variety of styles. If you already have a writing program (IEW, Surley English, etc) then go ahead and skip this purchase.


Teacher Training-Never used it.


Tab sets-Pre-printed tabs with the week numbers on them to separate your printed weeks in a 3 ring binder. Totally unnecessary if you will use DE alone. Could easily be replaced with tabs from the office supply store. They are of higher quality though and based on some of the prices I've seen not totally unreasonable. Not needed-your call on what you want.


If you buy the print edition you will need files or 3-ring binders to keep it in. Don't ignore that cost. The print version includes a cover and spine labels so if you wish to use those you'll need binders with a clear pocket on the outside. Some folks use page protectors. I've only torn apx 6 pages in 3 years plans so I haven't worried about it but I don't let my kids use the binders either so that minimizes tearing.


When figuring cost do note that with some items you need to choose if you are purchasing for all levels (LG, UG, D, & R) or just one level. Sometimes you need to choose a full year or just one unit. That will change your costs.


The nice part, especially with DE, is that if you get a few weeks in and decide that you do want lapbooks or evaluations for example you can just hop on and purchase them and get started right away. No delivery charge or time to wait. DE really does allow you to treat it like a menu and you can order extras at any time if you wish.


If I were starting from scratch I would get the Map Aids. If I had older children the Evaluations and after that it is up to you. Don't be afraid to add extras a few weeks or units in if you want them.


Do note-there are some other extras for R level-Government and Literature I think. I don't have an R student yet so I have no experience with those.

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