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Curriculum for 4.5 yr old in CC Foundations?


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I didn't realize that my 4 yr old will be in Classical Conversations Foundatinos yet until the info meeting I went to.


I hadn't even thought about curriculum for him yet.


Can I get some suggestions on what to use that will compliment the CC program well? A very gentle approach desired...

Also,what should I be doing to get him ready now and this summer for foundations? Just the usual preschool stuff. Any suggestions for preschool books, ideas, etc?

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Do you have the Foundations Guide? I have been looking through it for Cycle 3 (which is the assigned cycle for 2011-12) and started now slowly teaching some of the things that they will learn next year. For example, we are currently leisurely learning all the states' names & locations. That way, when we need to learn 5 states & capitals per week, at least the kiddos will have heard the state names before!


I've also been looking at the Beautiful Feet Early American History program. At a minimum, I hope to at least read a short book about each history fact before it is introduced at CC (like a quickie book about Columbus before the Columbus fact).


Some other things I hope to introduce gently before next fall:

- human body

- other US geographic features (we are using Audio Memory & placemat maps for "geography")

- skip counting (using the one hundred sheep skip counting songs)

- US Presidents

- the timeline facts (haven't quite worked out how to teach that in a fun gentle way yet)


I think we are going to skip working on the Latin & grammar outside of CC the first year.

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My four-year-old is in Foundations this year. We have done a little bit w/CC material on the other days, but it is mostly exploratory -- read a book about the planets, talk about scienc things when we take a walk, etc. I sometimes have her listen with her big sister when we read SOTW or do science.


But mostly I just want her to be four and learn some basics and have fun. So at home, we do OPGTR, some basic handwriting, Starfall online, simple math (numbers, shapes, etc.). We listen to the CC audio CD a lot in the car - she loves the history songs.


Hope this helps!

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I would say that that if you know who the tutor is... ask her what "space" she'll use for the kids. Ours did carpet squares. Probably the kids who it was easiest for.... was the mom who got two carpet squares for her boys... and practiced sitting... first for 5 minutes... and then upping it to more time.... when she signed up for CC. I don't know if she read stories, and had them "wait" to ask questions... or what. Also, if you are able to stay in the 4 year olds classroom ... for the first part of each day.. to get them started... it helps.

Really... curriculum wise.... just the spill over from what your others are doing is enough. I wouldn't do anything else.

Also, just to get you thinking.... You need to look at your 4 year old and decide if they are ready for a CC program. My son was 5 before we started. There's NO way he could have done it at 4. (early summer BD). I'm not sure what they options would be at your campus. I have some parents who leave their littles at home for the day (with a sitter) or exchange a day with a friend... so that they can concentrate on the olders. Only you know how your littles are... and if you'll be able to concentrate with them there.

My daughter, on the other hand... at four... would have been fine.. and had fun!! Each child is SOOO different.


Edited by NayfiesMama
Oh... Cycle 3 is THE very easiest :) So, it's actually a nice cycle to start with :)
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I would say that that if you know who the tutor is... ask her what "space" she'll use for the kids. Ours did carpet squares. Probably the kids who it was easiest for.... was the mom who got two carpet squares for her boys... and practiced sitting... first for 5 minutes... and then upping it to more time.... when she signed up for CC. I don't know if she read stories, and had them "wait" to ask questions... or what. Also, if you are able to stay in the 4 year olds classroom ... for the first part of each day.. to get them started... it helps.

Really... curriculum wise.... just the spill over from what your others are doing is enough. I wouldn't do anything else.

Also, just to get you thinking.... You need to look at your 4 year old and decide if they are ready for a CC program. My son was 5 before we started. There's NO way he could have done it at 4. (early summer BD). I'm not sure what they options would be at your campus. I have some parents who leave their littles at home for the day (with a sitter) or exchange a day with a friend... so that they can concentrate on the olders. Only you know how your littles are... and if you'll be able to concentrate with them there.

My daughter, on the other hand... at four... would have been fine.. and had fun!! Each child is SOOO different.



Thanks for the info! How did you know your 5 yr old was ready? Wht didn't make him ready at 4?

There is a nursery at our campus, so I won't have the little ones underfoot. :) I can put my 4 yr old there if I'm not ready to have him in Foundations.

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Just so you know - CC has a "rule" of sorts that says if a 4 year old is on the premises, they need to be in the foundations program. It may depend on your director, but just so you know it may not be an option.



Which is why some of the families find off site care ...(exchange with friends..sitters..grandparents...etc)


The 4 year old thing... I'm not exactly sure about the DOB by.... (in other words... if they are 4..say... Oct. 1st it wouldn't be an issue)


My son is very sweet, but very energetic. Some of it is how disciplined your son is... how much you want to have to discipline for classroom behaviour, how your tutor is with children... (expectations) and how you are at home.


If you say... have family worship each night... it's easier... (we don't) BUT, I will say that he could and did sit through Church services, but still in 2nd grade has a hard time participating in a co-operative way... through his CC day. (It's a different skill to participate nicely and in turn, than to be totally quite for an hour)


Part of the issue is that I can't stay right with him all the time... I'm running the program. AND, I didn't stay with him as much as I should have... when I started the program. I'm hoping that by next year, his maturity will have kicked in more. :) 3rd grade for active little boys seems to be better... And...now he's reading pretty well.... etc.... so he's evening out a bit.



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My son started CC last year in the K4 class and is now in the K5 class this year. Things I learned through it are that they will see the information again if you stay in the program so there is not a huge pressure on them to learn it in K4. You will however be amazed just by being in class, reviewing at home and listening to the Cds in the car how much they pick up. I will often catch my son singing the history songs around the house or on the swing...which is so cool to me! Another thing is that each week they have to do a presentation...you could start working on those skills so that it is not a shock to you child to stand in front of the class and present. During class, they get the chance to do cool science experiments, play the tin whistle and do art projects. It's not a sit down all day and be quiet kind of program but there are expectations that they cooperate. You will be in class to help them stay focused and you are there to learn the material too. It's a great program and I have a daughter who is 3 and I'm looking forward to starting her when she's 4. Good luck making the decision that works best for your family.

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My DD started CC at 4. We are finishing our second year and she just turned 6. Honestly, CC is enough. If your child truly wants more, then add some math activities and maybe some phonics.


I see CC at 4 as just a time to get acquainted and if things are learned, great! We didn't really even practice at home, just occasional listening in the car of some of the memory songs. I am amazed at what she earned without any pressure at all.


CC has been an amazing experience and an encouragement to us. Starting with a group can be very exciting. Just enjoy it without adding too much.

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