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Are you a VIOLINIST? Can you recommend a decent carbon fiber bow?

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We need to buy ds ANOTHER new violin bow. DS has many issues with bows. He's busted two into pieces, broke three different bone tips, and we've had to replace a grip here or there too.


So here we are AGAIN in the market for a new bow. :glare: DS is unhappy with his current bows. The expensive one he says is too soft, doesn't pull the sound, and is wrapping around the strings. (We've had it rehaired- it didn't help.) His cheap one he likes pretty well, but he finds it hard to use on difficult stringwork. The sound is also fairly gritty.


We are going to have to find a carbon fiber bow this time. I cannot afford to keep replacing bows. My budget is tight right now and I need to find something in the $300-$400 if possible. I am considering the Coda Diamond NX, but I don't know. The local music stores have nothing to choose from, I will need to get it online. Any suggestions for me????

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Can you go out of town? You really need to play with a bow to get the feel of it before you buy it. Or can you order a couple from a place and return the ones he doesn't like? Bows, more than violins, are quite touchy.


I really want his teacher to look at them too before I buy. The nearest big town is about a 4 hour drive and I can't afford to pay her to go that far. I has hoping to get some on approval from an online place and take them to his teacher. (I know Shar will do that on 4 bows for $20.)

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Dd(18) is a violin major in college, and I've been buying her equipment for years. :tongue_smilie: Across every price point, Coda bows are excellent. We have had one for years (it's no longer dd's main bow), and I know a number of professionals who own one for purposes of outdoor performances.


Coda used to replace bows that would get broken. You might check and see if they still offer this benefit.



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I was going to suggest Coda bows as well. My son plays, and his teacher has always been happy with the Coda bows I buy for him. I'm not sure if the names are the same for violin as cello, but I was told there was some increase in performance between his old Aspire and his current...Conservatory? I think it's called. I got a great deal on the Aspire but even paying full price for the step up I have no regrets. Might as well reward all that practice with quality stuff.

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I was going to suggest Coda bows as well. My son plays, and his teacher has always been happy with the Coda bows I buy for him. I'm not sure if the names are the same for violin as cello, but I was told there was some increase in performance between his old Aspire and his current...Conservatory? I think it's called. I got a great deal on the Aspire but even paying full price for the step up I have no regrets. Might as well reward all that practice with quality stuff.


I think the diamond series that we have been looking at was once called the conservatory. I think.

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Coda used to replace bows that would get broken. You might check and see if they still offer this benefit.




The music store where we've always got his violins had a warranty for students against any type of breakage UNTIL he broke the last bow. It was not considered a student bow. :001_huh:


I read Coda's warranty and it was against "defects in workmanship". I wished it would cover running into the couch, falling into the wall, tripping on the stairs. :D

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I'd check with his teacher and see if they have a bunch he could try out, or if they do a Shar-deal at the studio level. Shar is fairly generous on their trials for individuals, and MUCH more so at the studio level.


Are you saying that if SHE inquired at Shar about getting bows on trail they would do something differently for her than for just me? (She was the one who recommended I check with Shar to get some on trial.) Do you think that I will need to try more than 4? (At my price range, and wanting only carbon fiber, I thought my options might be limited anyway.)

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