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Two weeks ago my 11 dd asked me if I wanted a surprise birthday party.

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I emphatically said no. Too much stuff going on here. I definitely don't feel like company. Today is my birthday and I spent most of the morning sad at some of the things going on here (my sick dog, my sick SIL, etc, etc.) I hadn't slept well last night so I lay down for a nap only to be awoken by 6 of my lady friends "surprising me". And you know, as much as I did not feel like company prior to their arrival, I was so cheered by the end of the visit. Friends are good.


And what a girl I have. She planned the whole thing and truthfully I did not catch wind of it. I figured after I said no two weeks ago she would not go ahead with it. You got to love daughters.

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She made written invitations. Sent them out over a week ago (I'm pretty sure my boys wouldn't have been thinking about my birthday a week ago. lol!)


She even got up this morning and made my breakfast (and I have very specific likes in the morning).


I'm very blessed with three lovely children and a caring husband. (Got to keep that in perspective when times are tough.)

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