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International Job Opportunities

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I know lots of people are out of work and if you are looking for a job in an international environment now is the time to apply. My school has grown SO MUCH in the last two years. So we are expanding our classes and hiring more staff. Our current openings:


Full Time Positions:


Spiritual Life Director

Admissions Coordinator

School Librarian

Special Services Teacher

High School Math/Science Teacher

Humanities / Bible Teacher

High School English Teacher

Technology Specialist

Pre-School (4 yr olds)

Grade 1 Teacher

Grade 2 Teacher

HS/MS Health & ES PE Teacher

Residence Life Dorm Parents

Residence Life / Dorm Assistant



You DO need to be a certified teacher for any teaching position. We prefer experienced teachers but that is negotiable for the right candidate. Homeschooling is legal in Malaysia but you are more likely to be hired if both you and your dh are coming to work here (it costs the school a ton of money to fly families here, ship all their stuff, etc. so we prefer to get two employees out of the deal).


This is a salaried position with full benefits and free tuition for your children.


If Malaysia is not your cup of tea then check out these links for other options for job searches in international schools:


The biggest job search engine is TIE...you will have to subscribe which requires a fee of $39 but it is the biggest: http://www.tieonline.com/


If you are interested in working in a christian school you can look here (it is free): http://missionteach.com/


Here is a list of international schools on the U.S. government website. You can search by continent and get direct links to the schools themselves: http://www.state.gov/m/a/os/c1684.htm


You can also look into Department of Defense schools here:



Happy job hunting!!!

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I would LOVE to go and be the school librarian, but I don't think my husband would agree to it. :glare:


I just wanted to point out to you, though, that I didn't notice a link in your post to your school's website, for anyone who does want to follow up on one of the positions.


Hope you find some great candidates!

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I just wanted to point out to you, though, that I didn't notice a link in your post to your school's website, for anyone who does want to follow up on one of the positions.




How funny! All those links and I forgot my own! :lol: Here it is:



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You are all very welcome. Obviously I am biased but I LOVE living overseas. Sure it has its moments... the post office being one of them! But so does the U.S. I love so many things about Malaysia but there are also really, really good schools all over the place! And once you get "in" the international school loop, the possibilities are endless. We are waffling right now between staying in Malaysia which we love or trying a new country for the adventure of it. I can get a job in a snap.


So if this can benefit some of you too, all the better! :D

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