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Childhood of famous Americans series? My America series?

Renthead Mommy

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We just started one of these. What is the group feeling on these? Do you like them well enough to keep using them for a number of different people through history?


What about the My America series? Is this the one that people recommended more for boys in place of the American Girls stories? Do we like this one?


I'd like to get my son a series of books to have on hand to use as we go through history. Ones to actually buy. (We don't normally buy, we normally just use the library. Once it's read, we're done with it and it's returned.) Ones he'd like well enough to hopefully read again.


Suggetions? Thougths on these series?



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We've read many of the Childhood of Famous American series. I once heard from a librarian that librarians don't exactly care for them b/c they take so much creative license with what was said to whom etc.


But, in my mind, the stories are neat ways to get the basic facts across about a hero's childhood.


Also, different people write different ones. We like Augusta Stevenson books the best.



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We haven't read any of these. My oldest ds read two of the Dear America books and enjoyed them. I read one of them with him and it didn't grate on my nerves to continue reading like with some children's books, so I give it a thumb's up.


Wait is it Dear America? Is that the one geared more towards boys? More like the American Girls series?

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Wait is it Dear America? Is that the one geared more towards boys? More like the American Girls series?


Dear America is an old series that is being reprinted. This link is to one of the books my son read, and it is the one I read. Most Dear America books are written from a girl's perspective but not all of them. Though this book has this ridiculous romance novel looking picture on the cover, the diary contained no romance or overly girly stuff. That is just one book though, so I can't speak for the whole series. Wikipedia says it was intended for girls.


I asked my ds (age 9) if he thought the second Dear America book he read was girly and he said, "Not really. The Dear America books should be for anyone."


My America is a spin-off of Dear America.

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My library has ALL the old COFA. I tried to get my son into them for our TQ history reading. He just doesn't like them, he says they focus on the childhood when what he wants to know is about their accomplishments as a grown-up! He loves the Garrard Discovery biography series though - there are lots of those as well. Maybe your library has these?



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When we go through American history, I do plan to have my son read some of the My Name is America books. He loves journal-type books, and these are actually decently written. My dd already has a collection of American Girls books, to which I plan to add some Dear America and Patricia Beatty books. I like that there is a similar series more geared toward boys!

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