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Life of Fred Fractions is wonderful!


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My older has been doing this for about 3 weeks now, and we absolutely, hands-down, love it. It's a wonderful adjunct to SM--fun, enjoyable and playful.


I wavered for weeks about whether he was old enough, so for those of you with math-y youngers who are considering it---go for it :)

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My older son is just finishing this up and loves it, voluntarily does multiple chapters. He is finding the final bridge a bit challenging but seems to have a good grasp of the material, we may do some of the other bridges again for a bit more practice.

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This is good to know because I ordered it for my oldest daughter. I'm anxiously awaiting the book's arrival, but I am still concerned that I might be pushing it a bit with her. She is about to start Singapore 3B, but I've been holding back because she complains that we focus too much on math. :glare:


I'm hoping getting LOF isn't a mistake. If it doesn't work out, we'll just put it on the shelf for a bit, I guess!

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This is good to know because I ordered it for my oldest daughter. I'm anxiously awaiting the book's arrival, but I am still concerned that I might be pushing it a bit with her. She is about to start Singapore 3B, but I've been holding back because she complains that we focus too much on math. :glare:


I'm hoping getting LOF isn't a mistake. If it doesn't work out, we'll just put it on the shelf for a bit, I guess!


I did LOF fractions with my son after he had completed SM 3B and had mastered long division. We worked about halfway through the LOF book and then needed to stop. It is shelved but will be brought out again this coming summer as a supplement.

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LOF Fractions works wonderfully with SM 4A. We're right n the middle of it right now and will finish it up as a review for 4A while we start on 4B. When we're done with LOF Fractions we'll start LOF D&P which is the perfect supplement to 4B. I'm hoping we can work D&P through the summer so we won't have any issues going right into 5A next fall. :) We love LOF here too!

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