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Q. about iron supplements

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I got tired of being tired all the time about four or five years ago and had my iron tested. I was on the low end, but crazy low. I seem to remember the number being an 11. (But not positive.)


Anyway, I took Slow Fe for a good year or so and I guess started feeling better -- and stopped taking the Slow Fe.


I should add that I've been vegetarian for twenty years.


Anyway, I feel so lethargic, often times like I'm moving through mud to get through my days.


If I remember correctly the serious problem with Slow Fe was the terrible constipation I dealt with. I don't think I could go back to that.


Did you deal with constipation problems and find a solution?


Are there foods you insert into your diet on a regular basis?



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I've not had issues when taking an iron supplement but I buy mine from my naturapath and the one sold there is specially formulated not to cause that sort of problem.


One thing that would help two-fold is taking a vitamin C supplement with your iron. It will help the iron be absorbed better and vitamin C has the opposite effect on your bowels. In fact, when my littles have had constipation issues, my naturapath recommends I put them on high(er) doses of vitamin C until the issue, umm... passes.:tongue_smilie:


There's also a liquid iron supplement that is plant based but for the life of me, I can't remember the name right now. I bet someone here will be able to though.

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I've not had issues when taking an iron supplement but I buy mine from my naturapath and the one sold there is specially formulated not to cause that sort of problem.


One thing that would help two-fold is taking a vitamin C supplement with your iron. It will help the iron be absorbed better and vitamin C has the opposite effect on your bowels. In fact, when my littles have had constipation issues, my naturapath recommends I put them on high(er) doses of vitamin C until the issue, umm... passes.:tongue_smilie:


There's also a liquid iron supplement that is plant based but for the life of me, I can't remember the name right now. I bet someone here will be able to though.


Ah... Here it is. You can buy it on amazon. :)

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Floradix is a good brand, I took that for a while when my iron was low, it did not give me any problem. I've also tried TwinLab's iron pills with good results, they are much cheaper:001_smile:


In general green leaf veggie has good iron content, but it's poorly absorbed by our body. Since you don't eat meat, you'll have to rely on supplements.


If you drink tea, even herbal tea, don't drink it when you take your iron supplement, because it blocks iron absorption. Calcium and grape seed extract do the same so don't take them with iron.

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If you investigate I think you will find that there aren't good vegetarian iron sources that don't also contain substances that severely inhibit iron absorption. I can give you links about what it is in a particular food that inhibits the iron and how severely if you have questions. But, even if you add non-vegetarian sources-red meat particularly-it's hard (impossible for many) to get enough iron through diet to correct an actual deficiency. And you don't need to do that even if you wanted to and I presume you have no intention of eating meat anyway!


My son struggled with constipation with iron as well and, after a lot of research to find something that might work for him, I discovered ferrous bis-glycinate. You can google it and see how well tolerated it is! In fact, it's what they add to fortified food because it's so well absorbed and doesn't have side effects like constipation. Solgar Gentle Iron is on brand you could use but there are other companies using Ferrous Bisglycinate as well. It's absorbed at least 3 x's as well as other iron supplements. That's part of why you don't get the constipation and it also raises levels faster due to that increased absorption.

Edited by sbgrace
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Floradix is a good brand, I took that for a while when my iron was low, it did not give me any problem.




I can't say enough good about Floradix. It made me feel human again. No side effects, whatsoever.

Also, I made green smoothies:

Some spinach

Some parsley

Some pineapple juice.

Blend in blender. Can be served frozen or on ice.


You can also check : http://nutritiondata.self.com/tools/nutrient-search

for foods that are high in iron AND Vit C (to help absorption) that you like.


Hope you feel better soon.

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I was terribly low and took two prescription tablets a day for a couple of months. I now take one a day, and sometimes two.


I started taking psyllium husks in caplet form. 4 in the am and 4 in the pm. The fiber (it's not a laxative) helps keep everything regular. I stopped the Slow FE (and the prescription brand that my GYN gave me) and now buy some from the local grocery. It's made the difference. :)

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