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If you own a treadmill...

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Quick question! We just moved into an old house with lots of room and I have a spot for a treadmill at long last!!


But I'm wondering how much they shake the floor and how loud the pounding is, if there is much. This house is sturdy, but the floors do make a little noise. I'm hoping that it will be OK to get this treadmill even if I don't put it in the basement. Not interested in running down there. LOL!!

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Well, ours is in the basement on a cement floor, so it's hard to say. I think much would depend on the flexibility of the platform. My treadmill has what they call "pro-shocks" which allow for a lot of bounce so there's not a lot of pounding on the floor. That said, I don't know that I'd put my treadmill in the room above my china cabinet. ;)

Edited by Mejane
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I had a treadmill in an old, sturdy house a few years back. And I mean sturdy- this thing could have withstood a hurricane just fine, I think. The treadmill made so much noise in the rooms below when I ran on it that I had to wait to use it until no one was home, because the people below had to scream to be heard. Also, the ceiling of the room below started cracking from the weight. Be careful.

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This will be on the main floor so only the basement beneath and it's not near anyone's bedroom. Hmmm. I will ask the owner of the house (we rent) what he thinks. This would be a great option for me becuase there are NO gyms within 15 min. of our house and I need to stay somewhat close to home if I go out. Thanks!

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Quick question! We just moved into an old house with lots of room and I have a spot for a treadmill at long last!!


But I'm wondering how much they shake the floor and how loud the pounding is, if there is much. This house is sturdy, but the floors do make a little noise. I'm hoping that it will be OK to get this treadmill even if I don't put it in the basement. Not interested in running down there. LOL!!


We used to have one in our old (100 years) ranch house. It was a log house, and very sturdy. I was training for a marathon, so it was lots of miles on the treadmill, and dh was worried about our floor holding up. This was in a room that was above our basement. He went to a hardware store and bought 4 floor jacks, and put them in the basement under the treadmill. We never had a problem, and never had to worry about it. It was a great solution.


HTH, Jackie

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