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We're doing emergency care for preemie triplets-they're about 6 weeks early, three weeks old at this point. The social worker dropped them and ran. I don't even know their names! :tongue_smilie: Do babies this small regulate their food intake? She just took a 2ounce bottle, but is still rooting around. I don't recall any of my bottle fed babies taking more than that this young. She probably weighs 4 pounds? She's so bitty. Any advice? I'm loving having newborns, but what have I agreed to here!! :001_huh::lol:

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Your going to need a routine with these ones!!! It just helps. Get a white board, write when you fed and changed and then write down the next feeding time.


You may need to utilize their car seats for the 1st few days. It's helpful for feedign and keeps them cocooned.


I can't remember the exact min between feeding times...but google should have it.


Is everyone basically healthy?

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Sounds like a wild situation, potentially speaking, but good for you. I only had twins but always always always did everything at the same time; breastfeeding, changing etc. I would wake the other up and do both at the same time in order to save time.


So, I don't know much about bottled babies, but to stay on top of the situation then you might decide to do them one after the other -whether they are asking for it or not.... Also, to me I would always feed a baby more until they'd feel full.

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Well, they're basically healthy. But, they are losing weight, so I'm to mix the formula a little stronger than normal. I'm supposed to only have them until tomorrow when they'll be moved to their permanent home, but knowing foster care, I won't count on that until they are actually on their way. :tongue_smilie:

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Hmmm. The other two are sound asleep. Should I wake them and feed them now, do you think? I have no idea when they ate last either.



I did...it just made it easier. I would prepare all bottles and get the diapers and wipes out. Sit down with the carseats arranged in a semi circle (sometimes they need to be a little older for this to work) With 2 hands I am feeding 2 at a time. OOOOOOH graba couple pillows too. Once they eat you can turn them onto towel covered pillows and burp them.


If you stagger...you can feed one, burb one and start to rouse the other.

Once you have fed them go thru and change them...it just helps.


Then take a breathe, grab an energy drink and do it again in about 1.5 hours!!!

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Well, they're basically healthy. But, they are losing weight, so I'm to mix the formula a little stronger than normal. I'm supposed to only have them until tomorrow when they'll be moved to their permanent home, but knowing foster care, I won't count on that until they are actually on their way. :tongue_smilie:


Watch for constipation!!!! Very easy with these little guys :D

You got this...and there should be a nurses line to local children's hospital should you need specific food amounts and times before feedings.


It's been almost 9 years since I had preemies!!!

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Speaking as one, how irresponsible of the social worker to drop them and run!!! Call that lady back and get all the information she'll give you or call her supervisor. That is simply ridiculous, especially when you are dealing with THREE preemie babies!


Since you don't know when they last ate, I'd personally wake and feed them all at this point. Then, you can go from there based on what you think is best. As a mother of preemie twins by adoption, I'd suggest trying to get them all on a basic feeding schedule...all eating together if you and DH can manage it or at least eating one right after the other. You will get absolutely no sleep without a schedule! Not something you have to stick to like glue, but at least wake the others to feed after the first awakens.


Best of luck to you and God bless you for taking in these precious ones!

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Our preemie we adopted was a singleton. He didn't lose weight, but I made sure to feed him on a schedule to prevent that. With 3, you definitely want a schedule, as everyone else suggested.


Definitely call for more directions. What if one or more of them needs to be sleeping in their car seat (or at least not flat), because of breathing or tummy issues?


Christmas triplets! I am jealous!

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My twins were 7 weeks early and 4lbs 0oz when they came home at 3 weeks. They may not regulate their feeding. You should call their Dr and find out how much they're allowed to eat. Ours would just eat until they choked and we were only "allowed" to feed them 17ccs a time at first. I can't believe they didn't give you better instructions! Were they in the NICU at all? Did they have breathing problems, reflux, pass the carseat test? Our girls passed the carseat test but were only supposed to be in the carseat for a max of a 15min drive- what it took us to get them home. I would not put those babies in a carseat or bouncer to sleep until you know more about their history. We fed the girls every 2hrsish but on demand and not a schedule. You'll find out what works or you. Good luck! I used bottles for 2 weeks before they were breastfeeding well and I can't imagine bottles with 3!!


Just saw about mixing the formula stronger...that sounds weird. They have special preemie higher calorie formula that would be a lot better for them than mixing normal formula stronger. Not to mention if it is thicker, they may have trouble with choking. Our preemie bottles in the hospital had an extremely fast flow because the babies cannot expend energy sucking and swallowing like other babies. If they need to work at it, they will tire easily, and.......lose weight!

Edited by Paige
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My twins were 7 weeks early and 4lbs 0oz when they came home at 3 weeks. They may not regulate their feeding. You should call their Dr and find out how much they're allowed to eat. Ours would just eat until they choked and we were only "allowed" to feed them 17ccs a time at first. I can't believe they didn't give you better instructions! Were they in the NICU at all? Did they have breathing problems, reflux, pass the carseat test? Our girls passed the carseat test but were only supposed to be in the carseat for a max of a 15min drive- what it took us to get them home. I would not put those babies in a carseat or bouncer to sleep until you know more about their history. We fed the girls every 2hrsish but on demand and not a schedule. You'll find out what works or you. Good luck! I used bottles for 2 weeks before they were breastfeeding well and I can't imagine bottles with 3!!


Just saw about mixing the formula stronger...that sounds weird. They have special preemie higher calorie formula that would be a lot better for them than mixing normal formula stronger. Not to mention if it is thicker, they may have trouble with choking. Our preemie bottles in the hospital had an extremely fast flow because the babies cannot expend energy sucking and swallowing like other babies. If they need to work at it, they will tire easily, and.......lose weight!


:iagree: I would not put them in their carseats unless necessary at this point. With tiny babies, they can stop breathing. My DS had to pass the carseat test (oxygen levels couldn't drop while sitting in the carseat for a specific amount of time) before they'd let him come home from the NICU.


If I recall correctly (it's been 7 years now:lol:), my DS came home from the hospital drinking 2 ozs every 2-3 hours. Also something to know is that if they spent 3 weeks in the NICU, they will probably have a hard time sleeping in silence and pitch black since they are now used to the noises and lights of the NICU. The first few nights my DS slept terrible until I turned a fan and a night light on, and then he slept so much better.

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My twins were 7 weeks early and 4lbs 0oz when they came home at 3 weeks. They may not regulate their feeding. You should call their Dr and find out how much they're allowed to eat. Ours would just eat until they choked and we were only "allowed" to feed them 17ccs a time at first. I can't believe they didn't give you better instructions! Were they in the NICU at all? Did they have breathing problems, reflux, pass the carseat test? Our girls passed the carseat test but were only supposed to be in the carseat for a max of a 15min drive- what it took us to get them home. I would not put those babies in a carseat or bouncer to sleep until you know more about their history. We fed the girls every 2hrsish but on demand and not a schedule. You'll find out what works or you. Good luck! I used bottles for 2 weeks before they were breastfeeding well and I can't imagine bottles with 3!!


Just saw about mixing the formula stronger...that sounds weird. They have special preemie higher calorie formula that would be a lot better for them than mixing normal formula stronger. Not to mention if it is thicker, they may have trouble with choking. Our preemie bottles in the hospital had an extremely fast flow because the babies cannot expend energy sucking and swallowing like other babies. If they need to work at it, they will tire easily, and.......lose weight!


You've given me a lot to think about! Thank you! I know they were in the NICU, but not sure how long or anything else. We have a history with the Mom-we had placement of her other child for nearly 8 months, so we know a little bit about these babies, but not much. Unfortunately, the social worker is not very helpful either. I know nothing about the carseat test and I hope for these babies' sake that they are ok because tomorrow they're going to spend almost an hour and half in the car on the way to their new placement home. We're just keeping them for the night. Mom was very angry the babies were being taken and gave no information...not even when they ate last. But, with my girls' help, we got them all changed and fed and they're snug in bed.


As for the formula, they are on the preemie formula-Neosure as well as mixing it stronger. I have some gut feelings about this (again, given the history we have with Mom), but I won't go into that here. :)


Thank you to everyone for the tips and hints! I love doing foster care, but the lack of information at placement time can be very frustrating and stressful!

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I know nothing about the carseat test and I hope for these babies' sake that they are ok because tomorrow they're going to spend almost an hour and half in the car on the way to their new placement home.


Wow. They should not be in the carseat that long without a clear ok from their pediatrician. Maybe the pediatrician has passed them for unlimited carseat use. If you know what NICU they were in, and you know the names they were admitted with, you should be able to call and ask their nurses for guidance. We were given a number to call about any questions we may have had when they were released. If for some reason they can't give you the info I would push the social worker to call before she takes them on such a long trip. Do you have a carbed or carseat that goes down to 4lbs for them? Not many on the market do. If they are tiny, and if they have any problems remembering to breath, if their chin falls to their chest- which it is more likely to do if the babies are tiny and in a carseat that doesn't fit well, then they may quit breathing. Being a week older may have made a big difference in how well they were breathing and eating when they were born, so hopefully they are stronger and did not have any problems remembering to breath in the NICU.

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A huge thank you to everyone for your advice. :) The babies left this afternoon and are on their way to their new home. I had a lovely time with them here and everything went really well. They hardly made a peep the whole time they were here. I did everything together, feeding and changing one right after another and it worked great. Thanks again!

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