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I broke down and bought TT Algebra 2

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Some may throw tomatoes, but perhaps Creekland or some other kind soul can give me some reassurance that I've done the right thing in spending so much money right before Christmas.


Dd has been using Lial's Intermediate Algebra since September and is just not making the progress I'd like to see. Our daily life has been disrupted this year because of medical tests and now some serious issues with a younger dd. I started out doing algebra 2 with her everyday consistently but when things got rough I just couldn't keep it up and she's just unable to make the connections on her own, at least with any efficiency. And, it always turns out that the sections she struggles with are not covered in the DVT. She just needs those TT lectures, though I will dearly miss the Lial's solution manual; I hate that TT doesn't have printed solutions.


Dd got a solid score on the math section of her practice run with the PSAT, a solid score by my standards and considering she threw up three times due to nerves. However, the algebra section was particularly weak. She got through Foerster's well two years ago and it's obvious now there was little retention.


With TT it seems like we'll be backing up but I think that's what she needs. My plan is to have her take the chapter tests for TT Algebra 2 until I see where the best place to jump in is. Is that reasonable?

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I'm very much a believer in working with the child you have, not some "ideal" student. My second daughter did TT for Geometry & Algebra II, after less than satisfying results with other curriculum for Algebra I. She did well with those two levels- during her Jr. & Sr. years. We followed up with ALEKS Algebra II for reinforcement & a few additional topics that TT didn't get to (TT Pre-Calc wasn't out yet). All of that was fresh when she took her college math placement test. She had a solid score indicating placement into a pre-calc level course at the college. This young lady is not a math whiz and was not going into a math intensive major (she's a music major). TT served her particular need quite well.

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We did the same thing, except dd was taking Alg II and we found it necessary to order ALg I and "go back" to pick up some skills that were lacking. We are using TT and are enjoying it. Yes it's expensive, but we found it to be money well spent. I hope your experience is a positive one. Best of luck!

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Yes, I'll be another kind soul that can offer a reassuring word or two. Also, with regards to the money, if you don't write in the book and take good care of it, the resale value of TT is extremely high. Once I resell my books I generally have only paid about $40 for the course, sometimes less.


TT is superb at going slowly and seeing that the foundations are there. Yes, like all curricula, there are some students that don't do well with it, but it's only via the net that I (personally) have heard of them. IRL everyone I know that uses it does well, both in math learning and on standardized tests (college entrance or state tests). Many (including my oldest and middle) are in the top 90 percentiles.


You are definitely on the right track at letting her do the chapter tests to see where she needs to be placed. The first few chapters of Alg 2 just review Alg 1. Keep your Lial's book and see if she can do some problems in it after she's finished a section of TT. Lial's has more variety of problems, but my guys don't have trouble going from one to the other (note: I've only tried it with middle and youngest as I didn't have Lials with oldest). I actually feel I didn't need to buy Lial's, but I was getting some self doubt, and at least it was cheap. Since you already have it, it could be useful now and then, esp if you want more practice. (Another note: Lials is good for those wanting an inexpensive math program IMO, but it is not as slow, methodical, and easy to understand as TT for those who need/want more of this, BUT I don't have their Alg 1 to compare it specifically.)


Some Alg 2 topics are in Pre-Calc for TT. Those topics (matrices for one I can think of right now) are not on the SAT/ACT so it's ok to cover them later, but they should be introduced prior to college IMO. I also actually supplement the matrices section of Pre-Calc as I like my guys to know how to solve matrices via the calculator the "easy" way once they learn the "harder" way (covered by TT), but that's Pre-Calc, not Alg 2.

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Thank you, kind souls! I'm feeling better here.


I'm really wanting to kick myself for not doing this earlier, as in last summer, when I knew she did well with TT Geometry. I should have just stuck with something that fit. But I was looking for something with a standard scope and sequence and a mastery approach because I was worried about how programs with many types of review problems seem to slow her down. We'll see how this goes. In any case, it is better that she gets it.:001_smile:


FWIW, I asked her it she preferred TT or MUS since she had experience with both, and she said, "Teaching Textbooks." She used MUS for Pre-Algebra and sailed through it in a few months without ever having to put any effort into it, so I thought that might be her choice. MUS would have saved me money, but I think I would have more "scope and sequence" worries if we had jumped into their algebra 2 without doing their algebra 1.

Edited by NJKelli
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I'm very much a believer in working with the child you have, not some "ideal" student. My second daughter did TT for Geometry & Algebra II, after less than satisfying results with other curriculum for Algebra I. She did well with those two levels- during her Jr. & Sr. years. We followed up with ALEKS Algebra II for reinforcement & a few additional topics that TT didn't get to (TT Pre-Calc wasn't out yet). All of that was fresh when she took her college math placement test. She had a solid score indicating placement into a pre-calc level course at the college. This young lady is not a math whiz and was not going into a math intensive major (she's a music major). TT served her particular need quite well.


Dd is also considering majoring in music or history. I'm always dealing with having an academic plan in mind for the "perfect student" and forgetting who the dc are in front of me.

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My dd once told me that one of the things that she likes about homeschooling is that if a curriculum isn't working -- we can change to something else. Don't feel bad about switching -- enjoy the freedom you have to do so!! We went through 3 Physics courses at the beginning of the year before we finally settled on one!!


Yvonne in NE (who is really enjoying Christmas Break from school!!)

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Since it's been mentioned a couple or so times, I'll reiterate what creekland said: TT has a very good resale value on this board! I've bought it here, I've sold it here....it's worked out well for me, and ends up being much cheaper than many program because it sells so well! So, I wouldn't let the cost be a detractor from it!

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