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Anyone else using this and like it? Used it and didn't like it? Whatcha think??:willy_nilly:I want Bible and History to be presented as ONE entity, not "we did this Bible study and that was nice and now we are moving on to History..." For our family, I'd like it to be one study with continuity in timelines, books used, etc. Does Biblioplan fit the bill???



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The Biblio in Biblioplan refers to books, not Bible ;) - it does not incorporate any bible studies that I know of.


Unless I am misremembering - I used it for a few years, but if there where any Bible studies built in we skipped them. Skipped all the weeks covering the Reformation, too.

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Biblioplan is mostly history. In later years there is church history and moral/theological questions presented in the assignments. Check out "Year 1" and see if that is what you are looking for.




After the Ancient History unit there is less bible study and more church history.


Hope this helps;)

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Yes, we use Biblioplan and love it. We're finishing up year 2 and getting ready to start year 3. Did year 1 last year and will do year 4 next year.


Anyway, Biblioplan is a history course, but it is a history course that doesn't ignore biblical or church history. It does include biblical history in the first year, because that's where the bible fits on the timeline. First year includes Creation to Jacob (3 weeks) and The Nation of Israel (7 weeks) in addition to the beginnings of Christianity while studying the Romans. It is primarily a schedule of excellent readers (in 3 age categories), family read-alouds, and schedules several spines from which you may choose your sources (SOTW, Usborne Encyclopedia, Famous Men, etc.). You will be studying and learning from wonderful books--it's great for families that love reading.


In the second year, there are no bible readings because you are past that part of the timeline. But you do study church history and the reformation. Haven't done year 3 or 4 yet, but I believe they fit in some Christian biographies--I know Wilberforce is on our list for year 3 for instance. So Biblioplan is not a Bible study, but it is a Christian history course. We've enjoyed the books very much and history is our favorite subject here.


Do check out the Biblioplan website if you haven't already.


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We also use Biblioplan and really enjoy it! I love the book suggestions, and that there are various age suggestions. So, my 2nd grader that is ahead in reading still has books to read on his level and on the same topic as his younger brother. The book selections are great!

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Mystery of History does a great job of incorporating Bible and other world history. It reviews other world religions and provides a brief comparison to Christianity.


You could definitely incorporate the full scripture readings when studying those portions. It does not do Bible in every lesson, so you may want to just plan to get a chronological Bible and read through. This will provide Bible study for you on days when you're not doing Bible in history.


Vol I takes you from Genesis through the Resurrection. Vol II picks up where vol I leaves off.


We're completing vol I this year and will be moving to vol II next year. We've thoroughly enjoyed it. It incorporates memory cards, timeline and geography as well.

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I used year 2 Middle ages/Renaissance/Reformation. Biblioplan is basically a schedule of books. The books are scheduled to use three days a week. We did history for 30 minutes daily this year, and that was enough time. More time was needed on the days my dd's did a writing assignment.


I liked it because I was able to keep my 3 dc together in history. Book suggestions are give for K-2, 3+, 5+ and family read alouds. We really enjoyed the book selections. I also used and liked the timeline suggestions. We rarely used the writing assignment suggestions--I usually made up my own. SOTW was scheduled as well which we liked and read for our spine. Other spines are scheduled too.

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My interest in Biblioplan was piqued a few days ago. Is this an expensive program? Is it easy to get the books from the library? Would it be a good fit for a child with ADHD or would there be way too much reading? Can I start with the 1600-1850 book (which is book 3, I think)? Or would going out of order be a bad idea. I really want to cover Am. history for the next two years. Thanks in advance for any feedback.

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My interest in Biblioplan was piqued a few days ago. Is this an expensive program? Is it easy to get the books from the library? Would it be a good fit for a child with ADHD or would there be way too much reading? Can I start with the 1600-1850 book (which is book 3, I think)? Or would going out of order be a bad idea. I really want to cover Am. history for the next two years. Thanks in advance for any feedback.


Not expensive--$28.50 in the current Rainbow catalog. I got all my books from the library that we read. I would have had trouble finding those books with Christian perspective and especially some of the reformation books, but I borrowed those from friends. Otherwise, the library supplied us with enough books to use up our time. I would think you could start with book 3 easily enough. I don't see why not.


As far as being good for your ADHDer--that I don't know. I read most of the books aloud to my children because I'm learning right along with them. Occasionally, I assigned a book for them to read silently, but mostly their assigned reading came from other sources--not just history. I do allow my dc to play with Lego's, Polly Pockets, color, etc while they listen to me read, and they concentrate beautifully. For history, I haven't required much more than just listening and discussing with me the books we are reading. Occasionally, my dd's get assigned written narrations. HTH

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