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Poll: Am I sick enough to take antibiotics?

Should I take the meds, or take more natural stuff?  

  1. 1. Should I take the meds, or take more natural stuff?

    • take the antibiotic
    • keep trying the herbal/natural stuff awhile longer
    • both
    • other?

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HAH, my doctor would probably have a seizure if he wrote out a script for antibiotics. He doesn't believe anyone needs them, ever, unless it is IV in the hospital. I had a raging sore throat for six weeks one time, high fever, ect, and one dc had been diagnosed with strep throat (HE got antibiotics). Apparently my throat swab was not positive for strep (no test is ever 100%) so NO ANTIBIOTIC. NO NO NO. I actually thought about trying to order some off the internet.........

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HAH, my doctor would probably have a seizure if he wrote out a script for antibiotics. He doesn't believe anyone needs them, ever, unless it is IV in the hospital. I had a raging sore throat for six weeks one time, high fever, ect, and one dc had been diagnosed with strep throat (HE got antibiotics). Apparently my throat swab was not positive for strep (no test is ever 100%) so NO ANTIBIOTIC. NO NO NO. I actually thought about trying to order some off the internet.........


Wow, I think I'd find another doctor. Not one that over prescribes but there is a time and place.


I once was diagnosed with allergies and told to take Claritin. I lived with chronic sinus infection for a year and half before pain sent me to the doctor's office. He pressed around my eyes looking for tenderness. None. Then he looked in my ears and asked if they hurt. When I said they didn't, he told me they should. My ear drums were dark purple with infection. He prescribed antibiotics but my ear drum ruptured that night. It was several months before my ears didn't feel like they were stuffed with cotton and I could hear again. Oddly, my "allergies" were cured from the antibiotics he gave me.


I've gone a few months knowing I had a sinus infection simply because I have to pay out of pocket. If it doesn't clear up within a week or two, I can pretty much expect to have an infection until I get antibiotics, however long it takes me to get in to the doctor.

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There is a time and place for antibiotics.

The body gets sick for various reasons. Sometimes it is healing for the body to get a fever and burn off something. Or to get an infection and the immune system is stimulated. THe symptoms are unpleasant but its not harmful.

Sometimes the body is just overloaded- toxins, stress, poor diet, long term chronic issues such as allergies.....and it just can't muster the energy/immune response to get rid of something. That might not be the time to avoid anti biotics and take something "natural" because the body's capacity might not be able to handle the issue and the condition may go downhill.

THe problem with antibiotics is the chronic overuse of them, particulalry with children...such as with chronic ear infections where diet can usually help a lot.

If I needed to take antibiotics- or my kids did (I think one kid took them once)- I would take them-but then I would be looking at why the body wouldn't overcome the infection in the first place and doing something about that in the long term.

Peopel who get "strep throat " or tonsilitis regularly should realise that that is in itself an immune system response and a signal that the body is fighting something. If they get it often...they would be better doing something about it on an ongoing basis- preventatively- rather than waiting till they get it again. Thats one reason why "natural medicine" can get a bad name..people wait till they are really sick to take it and expect it to work the way an antibiotic works...and thats not how natual medicines are best used, although they can be .

The OP's post was gone by the time I wrote this so I have no idea about her particular situation...I just felt like prattling off a speel about anti biotics :)

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